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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/09/09 15:25 CST)
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It does look like the ADL has become tool for Leftist activism, not the "valiant" protector of the Jewish people against antisemitism.
Quote from article:
"Musk, for example, contends that the ADL wants him to ban the Libs of TikTok, a popular account run by an orthodox Jew, Chaya Raichik, who gained fame by reposting real leftists saying real things. It’s certainly plausible, considering the ADL already has an entry for Raichik in its “glossary of terms.” " - DAVID HARSANYI
Looks like she wrote an #AntiWoke anti #LGBT children's book too:
No More Secrets: The Candy Cavern
by Chaya Raichik (Author), James Scrawl (Illustrator)
Publisher : Brave Books (February 27, 2023)
Language : English
Paperback : 40 pages
ISBN-10 : 1955550379
ISBN-13 : 978-1955550376
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Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2023/09/05 06:43 CST)
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"Musk claimed that the ADL is "trying to kill" the platform by "falsely accusing" him and it of being anti-semitic. Though it's unclear how serious Musk's threat of legal actually is, he said that if X were to win a lawsuit, he would insist that the organization drop the "anti" portion of their name."
Maybe Elon can force the ADL to change their name to the "Self Defamation League" #SDL
🤣🤣🤣🤣 #TooFunny
I think everybody is tired about hearing these Jews cry about Antisemitism everywhere, all the time
I think they should all quit while they are ahead and pack up and go to
#Israel , Heck I would even even chip in and vote to allow my my tax dollars to be used for that purpose, but only if each Jew took 50 Niggers to Israel along with them.
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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/09/05 09:15 CST)
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@Quoteman regarding your response to @sluggo
Look... I don't have a dog in this fight. My grandparents came to #America long after the civil war was over, and I don't really subscribe to the ideology of either side of that conflict, and with all the BS I can't determine whether #TheSouth / #Confederacy was fighting over states rights or slavery, or the right to sell their cotton without restriction. or whatever. However, if current times are any guide to how the Federal government was acting prior to 1861, I can say that it seems like there is certainly a tyrannical streak within
However, the fact is, the ADL has gone overboard in their efforts to protect Jewish people from defamation and discrimination, and have become bully tyrants who threaten
#FreeSpeech worldwide.
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/09/04 15:14 CST)
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Call the #SDL This is the absolute pinnacle of
#BanTheADL 🚫✡️🕍🇮
JEWS are all for #Diversity / #DEI when it comes to flooding #Europe / #EU and the United States of
#America with 3rd world immigrants but they don't want non Jew #Immigration into #Israel especially from #Africa
However, when we Whites / #European people want to preserve our nations and our ethnicity and racial purity from foreign INVADERS, we are all called White Supremacists and Racists.
FUCK JEWS and FUCK ISRAEL you Hypocritical #antiwhite Kikes. The #Holocaust / #Shoah didn't fucking happen, but should have.
Hitler was right you creatures need to be deported our societies, the same way you want to deport these these Eritreans from Israel !!!
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/09/04 15:30 CST)
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#JewishHypocrisy #BLM
You fucking kikes want to flood #Europe
and my country, #America with hoards of 3rd world immigrants but are ready to deport an entire race of people from your precious #Israel to preserve your own people's ethnic and religious purity. But you you people call me the Racist Supremacist.
Netanyahu vows to 'immediately' deport Eritrean asylum seekers after Tel Aviv clashes
Israel could change Basic Law to allow mass deportation of Eritreans
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/09/04 16:34 CST)
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"ADL provocateurs at work:
inciting Nazi rallies
On Feb. 16, 1979, Mordechai Levy, a paid operative of Irwin Suall's ADL Fact-Finding Division, used the alias "James Gutman" to obtain a rally permit from the National Park Police for a pro-Nazi demonstration at Independence Hall in Philadelphia." - EIR News Service Inc.
#FBI #Kosher #JewishHypocrisy
The Ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League
by Executive Intelligence Review (Editor)
Publisher : Executive Pub; 0 edition
(January 1, 1992)
Language : English
Paperback : 152 pages
ISBN-10 : 0943235073
ISBN-13 : 978-0943235073
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/09/05 10:44 CST)
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You know this has a good chance of dissapearing from the internet.
"Vivian Bercovici is a Canadian academic and Israeli intelligence agent. She is a former adjunct professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law (2012–2013) and was a member of the CBC's board of directors (2013–2014).
In 2014, she was appointed as the Ambassador of Canada to Israel,[3] and was replaced by career diplomat Deborah Lyons on July 19, 2016.[8] In 2021 the CBC reported that Bercovici was employed by Israeli intelligence firm Black Cube after the end of her ambassadorship.[9]"
#Canada #Mossad #Censorship
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Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/09/05 10:57 CST)
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These fucking JEWS undermining free speech and manipulating western governments. This time in
The ADL has been doing this for a long time.
On Feb. 16, 1979, Mordechai Levy, a paid operative of Irwin Suall's ADL Fact-Finding Division, used the alias "James Gutman" to obtain a rally permit from the National Park Police for a pro-Nazi demonstration at Independence Hall in Philadelphia." - EIR News Service Inc.
#Israel #Mossad #Censorship #Kosher
#JewishHypocrisy #FreeSpeech #antiwhite
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/09/06 07:46 CST)
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The Cycle of Jewish Expulsion
1. Appeal to Empathy
2. Move into Host Space
3. Fuck the Host over (You are here)
4. Get Expelled Again
This is a result of their culture and their religion of separatism & supremacy that says that all non-Jews are animals and that exploiting and wronging, and even killing non-Jews for religious transgressions is not only acceptable, but commanded of them by their God.
There is no way to reason with Jews or convince them not to be societal parasites while they are observant Jews. This is why they have been forced to convert to other religions at one time or another, throughout their history in the world.
#Weimar #JewishHypocrisy #BanTheADL #ArchivePDF
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Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/10/30 17:30 CST)
"the ADL is meaningless to anyone under 30. that is the good news. most of their staunchest supporters are dying boomers. like Israel, they will be irrelevant in a few years." - besnook
#BanTheADL 😁👍
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/12/12 13:26 CST)
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Fucking #Israel and #Mossad are shamelessly paying #SocialMedia influencers in an attempt to buy their loyalty and promote the Pro-Israel, anti-Palestine narrative.
#BanTheADL #Corruption #JewishHypocrisy
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/01/06 11:58 CST)
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Some more truth about JEWS and what they really did to #Germany back in the 1920's & 30's laid bare by Brother Nathanael. We need to check JEWISH power in #America if we want to have any hope of getting out of the death spiral of decline that this country is in.
#Weimar #Kosher #JewishHypocrisy #BanTheADL
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2024/01/15 13:47 CST)
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Jonathan Greenblatt shown here attending the annual #WEF meeting in #Davos #Switzerland certainly personifies "the boy who cried wolf" or in this case "Antisemitism" to the point where nobody believes him anymore, even when there is real antisemitism occurring.
#BanTheADL #Kosher #JewishHypocrisy
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/01/17 09:20 CST)
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Set to: Tunnel Rats by Judenhass
C,H,U,D, Movie Poster - parody on:
CHUD (1984) Horror Sci-Fi "A bizarre series of sudden disappearances on the streets of New York City seems to point toward something unsavory living in the sewers. "
#Kosher #BanTheADL #NewYork #JewishHypocrisy #Weimar
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/03/15 09:02 CST)
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The calls by the US Government and Joe #Biden to ban the #China based video sharing / #SocialMedia platform "TikTok" make a lot more sense now.
It's common knowledge that senile Joe and his crack-head son Hunter Biden have been taking bribes from the Chinese for a while now, so the cover story of the government seeking to ban TikTok to counter Chinese influence on #American youth sound kind of dubious, especially when you have Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL shvitzing about how dangerous and antisemitic TikTok is, and how it is making America's youth radical antisemites.
The government doesn't care about your kids being corrupted by crappy TikTok videos, the government has done more to legitimize the corruption of America's youth than a two-bit Chinese owned social media company.
No... The real reason GOV wants TikTok shut down is because the JEWS want it shut down for anti Zionist (free) speech.
#BanTheADL #JewishHypocrisy
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/03/17 16:14 CST)
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Followup to my previous post:
The calls by the US Government and Joe #Biden to ban the #China based video sharing / #SocialMedia platform "TikTok" make a lot more sense now.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize,”
Apparently there was too much Pro Palestine / anti #Israel sentiment on TikTok for AIPAC
(American Israel Public Affairs Committee)
It's long past time that AIPAC registers as a foreign agent, and that ALL Israeli dual citizens be prohibited from holding elected offices, having security clearances and owning media companies. These Zionist JEW invaders have corrupted our country for long enough.
#BanTheADL #JewishHypocrisy #FreeSpeech
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/03/18 07:11 CST)
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Hey @WarPriest I think you will appreciate this video.
I don't think there are really that many "hardcore" racists and anti-Semites in #America but I think organizations like the ADL and #BLM which decry any criticism, of their people, even well deserved criticism of bad behavior. At the same time these groups condone the disparagement of whites and even violence against whites. This creates real hostility and real racism where none existed.
Also, I agree that AIPAC and similar groups that actually and demonstrably represent Israeli interests and lobby our #Congress and other governing bodies should be forced to register as a foreign agents.
The lobbying behavior that AIPAC regularly engages in, clearly steers our government and our tax dollars in directions that benefit #Israel over the interests of tax paying #Americans
#BanTheADL #antiwhite #Corruption
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/03/18 12:03 CST)
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More confirmation of what is already obvious about who is pushing to ban TikTok.... The JEWS and #Israel because it is generating support for Palestine. According to this video out of Taiwan, (remember the Taiwanese are not big fans of #China and would not likely support a Chinese owned company like ByteDance / TickTok) The video platform has influence some 70% support of it's user base FOR PALESTINE and only 1% for Israel.
It's obvious the JEWS are shitting their pants that the unvarnished truth is getting out about their ILLEGAL occupation and GENOCIDE in Palestine, and they are clamoring to have the corrupt US government either ban TikTock or force it to be sold to a JEWISH owned investment company, obviously so the JEWS can control TickTok and censor it like EVERY media plaform and media outlet the kikes own.
#MainstreamMedia #JewishHypocrisy #BanTheADL
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/03/19 10:29 CST)
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The #TheGreatReplacement is no theory, IT'S A FACT !!!!
JEWS are trying to genocide the white race though mass #Immigration into previously White majority countries.
The kikes at the ADL can deny it all they want, but there is ample evidence from multiple sources that this Great Replacement is their plan and they are actively promoting it.
#BanTheADL #Weimar #antiwhite
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/04/03 09:53 CST)
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This is one of the best short video (under 10 minutes) explanations of why JEWS are a destructive force in any society, and why they need to be removed from power before it's too late.
JEWS believe that they are the "Chosen People" and use this mentality to justify all the evil shit they do to us. These monsters would treat us Whites in #America the same way they are treating the Palestinians, if they had the power.
#WeAreAllPalestinians #JewishHypocrisy #Weimar #Israel #AntiWhite #Kosher #BanTheADL
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2024/06/03 08:56 CST)
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The ADL is out of control, they are obviously trying to drum up business by making false claims of Antisemitism, or outright falsifying antisemitic incidents. Also in this video is a Segway into a story of executive in the #Boston ADL that was involved in an apparent falsification in regard to the Boston Marathon Bombing.
This video also presents mounting evidence that the Boston Marathon Bombing #Terrorism incident may have been an elaborate hoax where alleged victims may have been "Crisis Actors" and the perpetrators may have had links including family members working for the #CIA and / or #FBI
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2024/10/11 07:54 CST)
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Comrade Harris, there is no legal definition of or recognition of "Hate Speech", nor is there an exception to the First Amendment regarding "Hate Speech".
You may not like certain speech, nor may I; in fact we may all find certain speech repugnant, but it is not against the law, if it does not directly promote violence.
I think you have been hanging out with guys like Jonathan Greenblat of the ADL too much, maybe taking too many campaign donations from them too.
Here is a novel thought: If you don't like what people say about you (or a certain group of people) maybe you should change your behavior.
If you as a government official see people talking freely as a threat to your governance and effective control over them, then maybe you and your administration ARE FUCKING DICTATORS!
Go fuck yourself Kamala, and the same goes for anyone who sees free speech as a threat to your power, #HillaryClinton
#PoliceYourOwn #BanTheADL #JewishHypocrisy #FreeSpeech #KamalaHarris
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/10/17 07:13 CST)
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You know.... I don't consider myself an "Anti-Semite", I don't hate people based on race, religion national origin, etc.
However, I have a pretty good handle on who presents themselves as an enemy of our nation and of #WeThePeople .
No matter how you look at it, when you examine what these people have done in the past, and how they continue to act, there is no other conclusion to come to: Israeli dual citizens are a threat to national security and agents of a hostile foreign government that seeks to do harm to the interests and national security of the United States of America.
If our own government and critical institutions were not fully compromised and infiltrated by these people, then something would have been done long ago.
#Israel #Mossad #BanTheADL #JewishHypocrisy #TrueWorldPolitics #CIA #NationalSecurity
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/10/18 09:14 CST)
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Excellent video....
It sounds to me that the whole world is starting to wake up to the fact that #Israel is threat to civilization and to the future of humanity.
These people and anyone who has an unhealthy obsession with the battle of Armageddon and fulfilling some end of days Apocalyptic prophesy (See: SC Senator Lindsay Graham)
I think the stigma of being labeled as an "anti-Semite" by the ADL or any number of Jewish run organizations that represent the interests of Israel is no longer a deterrent to people exercising their #FreeSpeech
#WeThePeople really need to limit Israel's influence on our government and the control they have over the "levers of power" in our nation. Our lives and futures literally depend on it at this point.
These people seem hell-bent on dragging us into #WWIII
#BanTheADL #JewishHypocrisy #TrueWorldPolitics
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2025/01/20 14:56 CST)
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#BanTheADL #JewishHypocrisy #SocialMedia #Censorship #Corruption #Congress #China
Fucking Jews always so concerned about "Anti-Antisemitism" which is really anything that criticizes JEWS or #Israel
I am so tired of hearing their incessant whining.
We have a "Major, Major, Major" JEWISH control problem in our country. #WeAreAllPalestinians
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2025/01/20 15:36 CST)
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#JewishHypocrisy #Shoah #BanTheADL
Even before WWII JEW controlled media was whining about "6 million" JEWS suffering or whatever. The number is clearly symbolic for them with NO basis in reality, especially in relation to their big money maker: the #Holocaust lie.
The number 6 has many meanings in Judaism, including the six days of creation, the six hundred thousand Jewish men who left Egypt, and the six orders of the Mishnah.
The six days of creation
The Torah states that God created the world in six days.
The six days of creation culminate in Shabbat, the day of rest.
The six hundred thousand Jewish men who left Egypt
The Torah tells us that 600,000 Jewish men aged 20-60 left Egypt.
The six orders of the Mishnah
The six orders of the Mishnah are known as Shas.
The Torah
The word Yisrael is an acronym for "There are six hundred thousand letters of the Torah".
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(2024/10/29 08:50)3 months ago
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(2021/06/27 11:20)4 years ago
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(2024/05/23 14:41)9 months ago
Started by: @Quoteman
(2021/08/28 19:03)4 years ago
Started by: @Quoteman
(2021/08/07 06:36)4 years ago
Started by: @phoneguy
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