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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2021/06/27 11:20 CST)
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With the exception of the last part that posits that #COVID is something more than the common seasonal flue; this article makes some good points about the massive corruption of the United States government, and it's total disregard of the will and best interests of the American people. Also it begins to shed light on the ever growing and dangerous influence of the Military Industrial Complex #MIC
Something Eisenhower warned us about some 60 years ago (after he retired from a lifetime career of being part of that same MIC)
Can you #HearMeNow ?
#Pentagon #BigPharma #DefenseSpending #Military #Ponzi #Corruption
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Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2021/07/05 10:05 CST)
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you know this shit aint too long before it gets cancelled.
#FreeSpeech #MiddleEast #Corruption #DefenseSpending #Globalist #PrivateJetPeople #Oligarch #politics
Yo homies, just cause the Russians say shit that everyone with eyes can see for they selves, don't mean that shit be Russian Propaganda. Word!
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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2021/07/22 10:03 CST)
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#FBI Assclowns, hard at work competing with the private (as opposed to publicly funded) organized crime cartels for turf dominance and "street cred" .
Whitmer Kidnapping Defendants Claim Entrapment After 12 FBI Informants Involved In Plot.
" The FBI's use of (often paid) informants dates back to at least the late 1950s, when they employed individuals to infiltrate dissident groups such as the Black Panthers, the Democrat-founded Ku Klux Klan, and Martin Luther King Jr. The strategy has had a 'decidedly mixed record,' with some informants helping to bust open cases that avoided violent acts, while others have coerced innocent people, falsified evidence, 'and even committed murder while working for the FBI.' "
#ArchivePDF #Corruption #BananaRepublic
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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2021/08/10 12:14 CST)
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PDF: Congress Cashes in on Insider Trading _ RepresentUs
#Congress #InsiderTrading #Corruption
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Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2021/08/14 17:16 CST)
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"National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin - August 13, 2021 _ Homeland Security"
Gotta ratchet up the fear for the 9/11 anniversary, otherwise people might concentrate on the out of control #Corruption in the Federal government or demand accountability from elected officials.
#Covidiocy #vaccine #Covid #ArchivePDF
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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2021/10/06 09:58 CST)
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Note: this is the same Attorney General who wants to weaponize the #FBI against parents who protest CRT
Top level #Corruption by people who aspire to be, or have close links to #PrivateJetPeople
This is inexcusable, blatant, in-your-face corruption and conflict of interest. As a Jew I denounce these people and their activities and hold these people responsible for why hard working, patriotic Jews are reviled and persecuted in this country.
This is where America's planned destruction and moral decay is coming from, these people are on the same team with #GeorgeSoros
#CRT #WokeCrowd
These are the people who seek to eliminate White Europeans and replace them with people from 3rd world countries that are pouring into our country every day. #immigration #ArchivePDF
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Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2022/04/28 14:26 CST)
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#TooFunny Creepy #Biden Family #Corruption 🤣
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2022/06/09 06:44 CST)
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Political Purges of the FBI and denial of agents' 1st amendment #FreeSpeech protection?
Sounds like #America is descending even further into a 3rd world #BananaRepublic complete with a Kangaroo Court, if you take into account what is happening with the January 6th protesters.
#Corruption #DNC #DeepState #FreeSpeech
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2022/06/11 11:03 CST)
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" EXCLUSIVE — A copy of Hunter Biden's hard drive obtained by the Washington Examiner is indisputably authentic, and there is no evidence of any hacking or file manipulation, according to an examination conducted by a former Secret Service agent who has testified as a cyberforensics expert in over 100 classified, criminal, and civil matters at the state, federal, and international levels. " -ANDREW KERR and JERRY DUNLEAVY WASHINGTON EXAMINER May 24, 2022
#Biden #Corruption #Ukraine #FBI #CIA #ArchivePDF
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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2022/08/11 13:01 CST)
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Now I have to agree with Elon here. I'm not sure if this was staged, or he is just telling us plebes what he thinks we want to here, but it is refreshing to hear some truth from those at the top of the food chain on occasion.
"The Government is simply the biggest corporation, with a monopoly on violence. " - Elon Musk
#TooFunny #Corruption #FightClub
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2022/12/21 15:11 CST)
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People I would take this notion to heart.
The United States Federal Government has been broken beyond repair for a long time, and is not representing #WeThePeople
Every action taken on the federal level lately does nothing to benefit us, and in fact harms us, and creates more problems, including the boondoggle in #Ukraine which seems to be one big laundromat for campaign cash.
It makes no difference who is in the #Whitehouse , or in the #Congress or senate. Look to your state level government, it seems we have more actual representation there.
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Just your average good-natured 🤷😊 suburban soccer mom⚽ looking for some truth I can't find on big social media platforms and the mainstream media outlets 📺🤥
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(2022/12/21 17:25 CST)
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hey @tex I think the article you shared about the federal government imploding from all of the corruption is true.
The government has BILLIONS of dollars to send to Ukraine but they can't even get the #FDA to ensure the safety of BABY LOTION !!!, while they were mandating kids get a #COVID #VACCINE known to cause heart problems in children.
I think it begs the question: Why do we still have to pay taxes to this failing, collapsing and corrupt federal government?🤷💸🛃
When it comes to the health and safety of our children, we can't rely on the government.👎🏛️
I can see that plainly now.
#Corruption #MomLife #Suburbs
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2022/12/28 19:33 CST)
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Questioned on witness stand:
Paid adviser for Pfizer appointed to position on "Independent" Safety board to monitor "safety" of Pfizer #COVID #VACCINE
Absolutely safe and effective 👍
#CovidTrials #Corruption #BigPharma
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2022/12/30 12:45 CST)
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by Five Times August
Who says nobody's making protest Rock & Roll anymore.
#MainstreamMedia #Covidiocy #CovidianCult #SocialMedia #WokeCrowd #Woke #WokeGestapo #WokeOlympics #Snowflakes #ToxicFeminism
#FatShaming #Corruption #Corporatism
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2023/01/04 15:32 CST)
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"100% Proof the NFL is RIGGED! Texans Glove gets Stuck to Football. It is fake. It is about entertainment. The games are seldom decided on the field. Bread and circuses for the masses."
As if White people needed another reason to stop watching Football after Colin Kaepernick
and the all black halftime show during Super Bowl 56 last year.
#sports #Corruption #Texas
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2023/02/08 08:16 CST)
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I am not fully understanding what has transpired in this conversation preceding the State of the Union speech on Feb 07, 2023 in the house of American congress.
To best of my understanding it is appearing that the gentleman speaking to president #Biden is offering to introduce his 4 year old daughter to the American president (with or without supervision of parents) in exchange for access to #Whitehouse and political consideration.
#Corruption much?
When this is being done in open air, how will we in #Russia ever get Kompromat on American Politicians and Heads of State? Nothing is for taboo to Americans anymore. 🤦♂️
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2023/02/14 11:41 CST)
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Think about what is going on in the world while our government is making up BULLSHIT about UFOs and aliens being shot down.
How convenient for something like this to come up to distract everyone from REAL NEWS which is not being reported:
#China #CovidTrials #COVID19 #MomLife #vaccine #Biden #Ukraine #Corruption #FBI #ElectionFraud #Censorship
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2023/02/14 13:12 CST)
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Hey @sluggo , Good post.
You know these stories might be lost down the memory hole when the US government decides to backtrack on this denial / non-denial about shooting down alien UFO s in an OBVIOUS misdirection campaign to distract the American public from the wholesale FUCK-UPS that the government and the #Biden administration are heaping onto our chow trays.
Look... They are already trying to walk away from it:
"Edward #Snowden called it (and so did we)... just a day ago, as we reported: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden says the hysteria over UFOs being shot down over America and Canada is a distraction from Seymour Hersh’s story about the U.S. being responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines."-ZH
#China #CovidTrials #COVID19 #MomLife #vaccine #Biden #Ukraine #Corruption #FBI #ElectionFraud #Censorship
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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/02/16 09:19 CST)
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Let the lawsuits and associated mayhem commence.
Apparently Pfizer knew well in advance that the #covid #jab was going to cause serious problems, and took civil and legal measures to shirk liability and minimize prosecution.
#BigPharma #CovidTrials #Corruption #TheGreatReset #SouthAmerica
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2023/02/19 10:17 CST)
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A real catchy tune, reflects some of the reality regarding the #Oligarchy engaged in wholesale #Corruption in #politics , #MainstreamMedia and other institutions that govern us.
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/02/22 13:27 CST)
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The #MainstreamMedia almost never gets things right, because it is run by the #Globalist #elites who do not have our interests at heart.
However, this 41 second clip tells you everything you need to know about the war in #Ukraine and how Joe #Biden 's family is benefiting financially from it.
This is complete and utter #Corruption and a squandering of our tax dollars, not to mention creating a potentially dangerous situation with #Russia as they defend the sovereignty of their nation. Get this, and get it good: Ukraine was part of Russia one way or another for hundreds of years, the Ukrainian language and culture is not distinct from the Russian language and culture.
Simply put: Historically speaking, to separate Ukraine from Russia, is analogous to separating Nebraska from Kansas and saying that they are now in different countries, and their people have a different culture that it requires a war to rectify.
Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2023/04/24 12:05 CST)
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For the record bitchez!!!
#FBI #DOJ #Corruption #Russia
#Niggaz #InformationWarfare
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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/04/28 07:18 CST)
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We are truly living in fucking #ClownWorld
If the FDA says that Vaccines don't have to prevent disease infection or Transmission, then WHY THE FUCK SHOULD PEOPLE BE FORCED TO TAKE THEM ?!?!?
This is exactly why the #Healthcare industry
#BigPharma and government / quasi government agencies like the #FDA and #CDC can not be trusted.
People, we are on our own when it comes to medicine and healthcare. Watch what you eat, get regular exercise & plenty of sleep and stay healthy.
Our government health & medicine regulatory policies have regressed back to the "bad old days" of selling Patent Medicine and Snake Oil. (which was the main reason why these regulatory agencies were formed in the first place)
#CovidTrials #COVID #Covidiocy #CovidianCult
#scamdemic #PoisonDeathShot #vaccine
#VACCINE #VaccineGestapo #jab #Corruption
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приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2023/06/21 09:02 CST)
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#Ukraine #Russia #China #DefenseSpending
#Congress #Corruption #DeepState
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/07/17 17:45 CST)
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Could it be any clearer that these scumbag politicians don't care about #WeThePeople and that our government and our democracy has failed us in this country.
So Pence is more concerned about #Ukraine not having enough tanks / weapons, paid for with our tax dollars to fight #Russia with, than he is about every #American city declining and every metric of our society indicating that things are getting worse.
We are truly fucked as a nation if these are the people who are representing us in our government. Seriously, remind me why I should be obligated to pay federal taxes?
No taxation without representation!
Fuck the United States Government and every Scumbag politician that was handpicked by the #Oligarchy to screw us and drive us further into social and economic collapse.
#politics #BlackRock #DefenseSpending
#WallStreet #Corruption
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2023/07/31 20:49 CST)
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Parody on:
Cats In The Cradle-Harry Chapin
#TooFunny #TooSad #Biden #Corruption #DNC
#Ukraine #WashingtonDC
What complete scumbags our president and his son are. Fucking real organized crime syndicates have more honor and honesty than these assholes. Our country on the federal level is done for, we are on par now with any south American Banana Republic.
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/08/02 06:53 CST)
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Obviously a Deepfake parody of Saturday Night Live, but funny as hell, and a lot of truth here.
Featuring "Kill your TV" music video with commentary by: Harry Vox - Unsafe Space
On the Jews and Their Lies
by Martin Luther
Format: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 1732353212
ISBN13: 9781732353213
Release Date: November 2019
Publisher: Clemens and Blair, LLC
Length: 250 Pages
MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546) was one of the greatest religious thinkers and reformers of all time. Founder of the Lutheran Church
#TooFunny #Weimar #JewishHypocrisy #antiwhite
#GeorgeSoros #immigration #Banking #Kosher
#MainstreamMedia #ClimateChange #antiwhite
#COVID #Hollywood #antiwhite #Corruption
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/08/02 08:51 CST)
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Mounting evidence that the
USDA’s "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" will in fact make you sick and die prematurely.
What do you expect from government #Corruption and a #Multinational #Globalist #elite that openly talk about population reduction?
Don't forget the USDA's food pyramid which is certainly responsible for it's share of diabetes, obesity and heart disease in
#Americans who dutifully followed this unhealthy advice for decades.
USDA food pyramid, now re-branded and reformatted as "My Plate"
#Healthcare #FatShaming
#CancerCanBePrevented #ArchivePDF
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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/08/03 07:17 CST)
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We can all agree that there are some truly sick and demented individuals in the Jewish Community that take the Talmud a little too seriously, but they are a small minority.
However, as you pointed out in your response / rebuttal: Christians abuse religion also. The Mega churches fleecing their flocks as shown in the video you posted is nothing new. This has been going on for some time.
This song / music video: The Hooters - Satellite (1987)
Was written and produced to poke fun at the excesses and corruption of the mega churches in the 1980's.
You are right... Christians don't have a monopoly on spirituality , righteousness, and morality, nor do they have monopoly on the corruption of religion or spirituality for greed and personal gain.
#Christianity #Religion #Corruption
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2023/08/14 06:33 CST)
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#Multinational Corporations are taking over governments around the world and creating their own #Military power structure that is becoming more powerful than the state.
#Corporatism #Corruption #OWS #EconomicWarfare
#Globalist #PrivateJetPeople
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/08/15 09:57 CST)
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Well I was never one to walk away from a dare, and from where I am sitting, it sounds like the God honest truth to me.
#Kosher #JewishHypocrisy #FBI #Corruption
Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2023/08/21 20:02 CST)
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First Time Hearing Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond (REACTION!!!)
I ain't no fan of country music, but this sounds like the black man's blues to me with a country beat.
Issues in this song touch all of us as #Americans
We all getting screwed by the #Corruption in #WashingtonDC and those rich mofo #Globalist #PrivateJetPeople #elites whatever you want to call them; whether you White, Black, Asian, Latino or whatever.
#Niggaz need to realize who the enemy and oppressor really is, and it ain't no backwoods hillbilly jobless drunk farm boys sittin on a tree stump strummin a banjo. We all in the same boat when it comes to poverty and no opportunity to escape.
But I still can't believe this mofo turned down an $8 Million record contract.
Mike #MGTOW is the name, exposing #ToxicFeminism & modern women as the greedy, entitled trash they are is my game 🎮🤑☣️🚺🤮
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(2023/09/17 11:20 CST)
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The family court system should be abolished and those involved punished severely (judges and attorneys), forced to pay lifelong reparations for all the lives they've destroyed and damaged out of pure greed and lack of morality. Their homes, cars, bank accounts, etc. should be liquidated and given to the families they helped destroy.
The court system has demonstrated time and again they are systematically corrupt in every avenue of the law. Judges are chosen not because they are just, but because they will perpetuate the system and keep the machine chugging along.
“When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principals; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” - Thomas Jefferson
#MGTOW #Corruption #DOJ #Tyranny
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/09/25 17:08 CST)
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Ya think?.... $158 million for professional advice on tax audits, wealth management and estate planning is a little excessive?
#PrivateJetPeople #Corruption #Mossad
Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2023/10/01 08:38 CST)
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This is old news, but most people don't know about it.
US election 2016: What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?
#ClintonCrime #Corruption #Oil #TrueWorldPolitics
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/10/11 15:20 CST)
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I wonder if this guy gets paid by the #Mossad to CUCK for #Israel , or if he does it for free, just because he enjoys it? 🤣
This is the sort of #Christianity that the JEWS want us all to practice so they can rule the world.
Keep on Cucking dumb ass!! Israel needs more of our tax dollars while #America collapses into a corrupt, morally bankrupt, unlivable 3rd world shithole. 👍
Never mind Jews are turning this place into #Weimar II
Hey @sluggo this guy is from your neck of the woods, why don't you tell him how totally JEW-CUCKED he is?
#Religion #Corruption
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/10/15 09:32 CST)
#America #Congress #Corruption #WashingtonDC
"The Federal Government has, for the most part, become a mafia of parasites all looking to suck the life energy out of regular Americans." - Balkans Cowboy
So fucking true! The #IRS is ALWAYS there looking for money, the #FBI will set up and prosecute political opponents of the regime, (see #trump ) our tax money goes to protect the borders of #Ukraine and the safety of #Israel while illegal #Immigration is off the charts at our own southern border and in #Texas , and all of our major cities are like urban war zones, #Education in public schools is focused on teaching #Woke #LGBT gender fluidity, instead of math and #Science but #WeThePeople are supposed to support it all financially and ideologically, or we could get cancelled or worse.
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2023/10/25 09:00 CST)
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Excellent video about the "Big Picture" and issues related to #TrueWorldPolitics
A lot of topics, and a lot of dots to connect, but it does paint an ugly picture of things to come.
#Polycrisis #EconomicWarfare #Biden #Corruption #Banking #TechnocraticOligarchy #Israel #Iran #Oil #MiddleEast #BLM #Globalist #GlobalistTerrorism #WEF #BillGates #ClimateChange #KlausSchwab #Military #Corruption #Ukraine #China #BRICS #Russia
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/10/26 18:35 CST)
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Evangelical #Christianity is totally cucked for #Israel
This sort of #Corruption of our country by JEWS is just not sustainable. We can not continue to put the interests of Israel ahead of our own interests as a nation.
I never thought I would say this, but there is a good reason for the separation between state and #Religion
These people and the JEWISH handlers can no longer be allowed to run this country into the ground bending over backwards to serve Israel. This is an absolute disgrace.
If your interpretation of Christianity makes you serve Israel instead of your own people and your own nation, the one you pay taxes to; then you really need to think long and hard if you need to be a member of that church.
Hey @tex this guy is one of your congressmen in #Texas
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/10/28 15:01 CST)
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Hey @Larry you are right, and it's not just the young folks who are saying Fuck the Draft, it's the older folks too. This federal government has not represented the will of #WeThePeople for a long time. Not too many are willing to fight and die for this country anymore.
Maybe that's why the #Biden administration is allowing #Military age males to flood across the border in record numbers. Maybe they plan on giving them citizenship after they fight in #Israel #Ukraine (or at least telling the illegals that they will get citizenship after the war is over)
#Corruption #Congress #FBI #NSA #SurveillanceState
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2023/12/05 17:39 CST)
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"Maybe that's why the #Biden administration is allowing #Military age males to flood across the border in record numbers. Maybe they plan on giving them citizenship after they fight in #Israel #Ukraine (or at least telling the illegals that they will get citizenship after the war is over)" - phoneguy
Bro... It looks like you called it.
PDF - Democratic Senator Wants Illegal Immigrants To Join The Military _ ZeroHedge
That was probably the plan all along, since they can't get smart, self respecting Americans to join the military anymore and fight & die for this corrupt federal government.
#StuffPeopleSaid #Immigration #Corruption
Watch a Tutorial on making your own archive quality PDF files of web-pages. Useful because... Properly created PDF archives are often more reliable than a regular link to a web page, for saving and sharing controversial or disputed information likely to be censored, "disappeared" or changed in the future.
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2023/12/08 20:01 CST)
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Wow! This is a hard hitting factual documentary with references that exposes what a fraud, communist, plagiarist, and degenerate that Martin Luther King Jr. really was.
Backed by Communist #Marxist agitators from the former Soviet Union, and promoted heavily by Jewish groups who controlled #MainstreamMedia (even back in the 60's) , King was elevated to the status of an #American saint, while his true nature was hidden from the American public and the world. Even to this day, public criticism of King can get you fired from your job and cancelled on #SocialMedia
This documentary was made from a National Alliance radio broadcast and mass distribution booklet from 1994
#History #Academia #Corruption #JewishHypocrisy #Niggaz #FBI
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/12/12 13:26 CST)
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Fucking #Israel and #Mossad are shamelessly paying #SocialMedia influencers in an attempt to buy their loyalty and promote the Pro-Israel, anti-Palestine narrative.
#BanTheADL #Corruption #JewishHypocrisy
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2023/12/19 08:54 CST)
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'The Government Can'
(Parody on the "The Candy Man Can" song from the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory)
#Corruption #IRS #politics #Banking #EconomicWarfare #Congress
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2023/12/27 13:08 CST)
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Again I must cleanse my conscious and admit to
#Russia interfering with elections of USA. I can only hope that American people can forgive me.😔
Проект «Дедушка на поводке» *** Совершенно секретно *** Доклад М. Симоньян
Я снова должен очистить свое сознание и признать Россия вмешивается в выборы в США. Я могу только надеяться, что американский народ сможет меня простить.😔
#Americans #TooFunny #Biden #politics #Corruption #ClintonCrime
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/01/09 08:36 CST)
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Hey @Quoteman regarding your post on unscrupulous doctors promoting "Fat Acceptance"
That's nothing; some doctors may argue and try to qualify their statements promoting fat acceptance as a difference of professional opinion.
However, this Dr. Farid Fata got cold busted INTENTIONALLY misdiagnosing patients with cancer so he could make money from their treatments. He sent perfectly healthy people to multiple Chemotherapy treatments, which killed them or caused them to GET cancer.
These fucks are absolutely evil.
As always: The best medicine is prevention via healthy diet, healthy living and staying active.
#CancerCanBePrevented #Cancer #Corruption #BigPharma
Just your average good-natured 🤷😊 suburban soccer mom⚽ looking for some truth I can't find on big social media platforms and the mainstream media outlets 📺🤥
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(2024/01/09 15:41 CST)
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I can't believe they put all these toxic and #Cancer causing chemicals in cosmetics, soaps and other body care products. 😲🧪☠️⚗️🤢
I can't believe that the #FDA isn't doing anything to protect us from these companies who are poisoning us and our families. It makes me so angry😡 It seems like you can't trust anything that big corporations put on the store shelves!
There is so much #Corruption in the government if they are allowing this.
#CancerCanBePrevented #PinkRibbon
#MomLife #Suburbs
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/01/11 08:35 CST)
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#TooFunny #ClintonCrime #Corruption
Obviously a deep fake, but more fallout from the #Mossad honeypot operation in which Jeffrey Epstein played a leading role.
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/01/11 15:29 CST)
#Military #Corruption #Immigration #Russia
"I wonder how many people can see that the Russian military, while being vastly superior to the Ukrainian NATO proxy army, and having total air supremacy, if they can see that modern large scale warfare is no longer mobile. It is a battle front of defensive positions. There is no blitzkrieg and no sweeping large armored attacks because of smart weapons, FVP drones, loitering drones and hyper and cruise missile technology, MILLIONS of land mines and wide spread hand held anti tank and anti aircraft weapons. If you really think about it for just a few minutes, you will conclude that Russia could never invade the USA, not in a million years....and then you might see that your own US Military will not defend the southern border from millions of illegal narco criminals. Stop worrying about Russia, the enemy of your country is in the Pentagon and the White House. "- Rack the Gypper
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2024/01/15 14:48 CST)
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This is indeed a pivotal point when it comes to a showdown between state's rights and a Federal Government that has been derelict in it's duties to protect the people of the United States against an invasion of military age men pouring across our border.
If the Supreme Court rules against the state of Texas, it appears that it is violating the constitution, if the Supreme Court rules against the Federal Government, then it admits that the Federal Government has not been protecting the states against an invasion.
Of course, the Supreme Court could always deny that this mass illegal influx of military age men is an invasion, and rule that they are all asylum seekers. I don't know who will believe that, but more signs point to the idea that #TheGreatReplacement is NOT a conspiracy theory, as NGOs continue to fund these illegals' transportation and even giving them ATM cards for living expenses.
#Immigration #DHS #Texas #Corruption
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2024/01/22 11:26 CST)
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Capitalism is NOT the problem, the problem is #Multinational corporate and #WallStreet financial interests that drive US foreign policy through the #Corruption of #Congress (unlimited money in lobbying) and corruption of the federal government in general.
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - "Money equals free Speech"
#TrueWorldPolitics #Oil #Banking #BananaRepublic #GlobalistTerrorism #Military #CIA #NSA
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
The shocking inside story of how #America REALLY took over the world - by John Perkins
Publisher Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Publication date 2004
Pages 250
ISBN 0-452-28708-1
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2024/01/24 13:07 CST)
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Just more proof of #Corruption and #Globalist #Oligarchy in #America where BOTH the #GOP and #DNC are part of the problem, and the interests of #WeThePeople are not represented in our federal government.
Just your average good-natured 🤷😊 suburban soccer mom⚽ looking for some truth I can't find on big social media platforms and the mainstream media outlets 📺🤥
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(2024/02/04 13:21 CST)
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You really need to reject much of what is presented in the #MainstreamMedia if you want to keep your kids safe and healthy in today's world.
#MomLife #Fauci #BillGates #vaccine #Food #Corruption #SocialMedia #Hollywood #LGBT #AntiWoke
#TooFunny #TooSad
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/02/06 11:23 CST)
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Hey @cindy watch this video, it really makes you question childhood #VACCINE programs and which (if any) #vaccine (s) are necessary in the modern age with good sanitation and access to clean food & water.
Obviously #BigPharma will sell us everything they can when their people sit on the boards of the #FDA and CDC and decide what to recommend to vaccinate children with, especially as a condition to enroll your child in public schools.
Even the #CDC says that that Rotavirus vaccine is ineffective...
From CDC website: " Children, even those who are vaccinated, may get infected and sick from rotavirus more than once. That is because neither natural infection with rotavirus nor vaccination provides full protection from future infections. " -
#Healthcare #BillGates #India #Australia #Corruption
Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2024/02/09 12:59 CST)
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Shout out to Candace Owens for callin out the trash in the Black Entertainment Community. 👏📢
#Corruption #Niggaz #MainstreamMedia
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/02/16 14:36 CST)
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Some interesting connections among the people who financed, promoted and created the #COVID #VACCINE
#CovidTrials #CIA #Corruption #BigPharma #Healthcare #Banking
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/02/19 14:11 CST)
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Pretty much EVERYTHING about #Healthcare and #BigPharma in #America is designed to intentionally profit from people living unhealthy lifestyles, eating toxic #Food and getting Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity and Alzheimer's disease (which has now been medically re-classified as "Type 3 diabetes") the government has been facilitating widely this #Corruption through the #FDA , #USDA and other agencies, and #MainstreamMedia and News gets much of their advertising revenues from Big Pharma, and will gladly "toe the line" in news reporting that is favorable to the pharmaceutical companies that pay the bills.
Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health - by Casey Means MD (Author), Calley Means -
Publisher : Avery (May 14, 2024)
Language : English
Hardcover : 400 pages
ISBN-10 : 0593712641
ISBN-13 : 978-0593712641
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2024/02/19 15:28 CST)
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#StuffPeopleSaid #Corruption #politics #Immigration #IRS #Justice
" suicided itself.
I never demanded they created departments that weren't named in the constitution. I didn't demand they create the welfare state, I didn't demand they invade every corner of our lives with "programs" and "services". All I ever asked for was a capable national defense - one that would protect us from invaders at our borders and justice system that had fidelity to the constitution and was truly blind from all shapes and flavors of bias and influence.
But all I got was a punitive taxation system that steals the value of my labor to enrich those who least deserve it." - economessed
Just your average good-natured 🤷😊 suburban soccer mom⚽ looking for some truth I can't find on big social media platforms and the mainstream media outlets 📺🤥
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(2024/02/28 07:59 CST)
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Parenting in the 2020's is having to explain how the government and the major institutions in our country are not looking out for us.
#MomLife #Food #Healthcare #Corruption
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/02/28 08:34 CST)
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"No. Accountability is for Private John Q Public in his body bag. It's not for Colonel Georgetown and General Harvard with their diplomas and their Boston Brahman Social Calendars.
Fuck 'Em! Fragging needs a comeback in a big, big way." - gcjohns1971 - see whole quote in PDF #ArchivePDF
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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/02/28 11:43 CST)
Hey @Larry
"Young people have no future under the current system. They have almost no possibility of ever owning their own house outright, being in a secure, living-wage job, being able to start and support a family, or have any possibility of a comfortable retirement. If they're white males, the entire system is stacked against them, regardless of how capable & hard-working they are or the education they acquire. This is what the Fed, the oligarchy, and our captured, worthless political class have bequeathed them. To think they'll lay down their lives for such a corrupt, unresponsive, unaccountable system is delusional. " - A Comrade of Proven Worth
Most people don't realize how truly Fucked this country is. #America in 2024
Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2024/03/01 13:00 CST)
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Maybe all them conspiracy theories about the #CIA pushin violent rap music to put #Niggaz in private prisons have some truth to them.
Also lookin like Diddy put out a contract on Tupac.
#Hollywood #Corruption #JewishHypocrisy
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/03/12 07:20 CST)
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"Decades ago I thought: Cool. A black guy who inspires the youth . . what a healthy image for
the black youth of america . .
Then I started watching more, saw his documentarys etc . . and you quickly realize he's just a poor kid from the Bronx ( #NewYork ) who really really likes to be on tv and be called a scientist. He always throws himself into the group of Isaac Newton, Einstein, Galileo and calls them "US" scientist
.."WE" scientists.. like he invented space somehow. " - Q_U_A_N_T_U_M
Wow!! Some harsh words for Neil deGrasse Tyson, but TOTALLY deserved and Spot-On.
See whole quote in the PDF #ArchivePDF
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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2024/03/15 12:27 CST)
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Between Diversity Hire pilots and aircraft mechanics of questionable competency , corruption in the FAA, and now apparent the "disposal" of a material witness of criminal negligence in a major aircraft manufacturing company; does anyone have any reason to trust in the safety of #CivilAviation ?
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2024/03/16 08:31 CST)
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Delusional profiteers and cheerleaders of American #MIC (Military Industrial Complex) should listen to this retired colonel. America is in no shape militarily, financially, economically or spiritually to engage in war with #Russia nor #China . America should concern itself with securing its borders, eliminating #Corruption and repairing its economy.
Полковник Дуглас МакГрегор: «Полное разрушение. Украина в руинах! Все кончено!»
Бредовые спекулянты и сторонники американского ВПК (Военно-промышленный комплекс) должны прислушаться к этому полковнику в отставке. Америка не в состоянии в военном, финансовом, экономическом или духовном отношении участвовать в войне с Россией или Китаем. Америка должна позаботиться о безопасности своих границ. , искоренение Коррупции и восстановление экономики.
#TrueWorldPolitics #American #Military #Ukraine #EconomicWarfare
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2024/03/17 08:19 CST)
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Mass Homelessness, Race Riots, Drag Queen Story Hour
#StuffPeopleSaid #GeorgeSoros #Biden #WallStreet #WokeCrowd #DNC #Corruption
#GlobalistTerrorism #PrivateJetPeople
"Indescribably stupid Millennial dupes rejected Ron Paul - the last best hope to save America from the abyss - in factor of a Goldman Sachs errand boy, hand-picked by George Soros from the most corrupt Democrat political machine in the country. He promised the gullible Millennial 'tards "change you can believe in" - how'd that "change" work out for ya, Millennials? It worked out pretty well for Barry & Big Mike, who enriched themselves to the tune of $70M in Wall Street payola for services rendered during Barry's 'public service.' - A Comrade of Proven Worth
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/03/18 07:11 CST)
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Hey @WarPriest I think you will appreciate this video.
I don't think there are really that many "hardcore" racists and anti-Semites in #America but I think organizations like the ADL and #BLM which decry any criticism, of their people, even well deserved criticism of bad behavior. At the same time these groups condone the disparagement of whites and even violence against whites. This creates real hostility and real racism where none existed.
Also, I agree that AIPAC and similar groups that actually and demonstrably represent Israeli interests and lobby our #Congress and other governing bodies should be forced to register as a foreign agents.
The lobbying behavior that AIPAC regularly engages in, clearly steers our government and our tax dollars in directions that benefit #Israel over the interests of tax paying #Americans
#BanTheADL #antiwhite #Corruption
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/03/20 09:37 CST)
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Is there anyone out there that still believes that "Michelle" Obama is a biological woman? If so, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. 🤣🤣🤣
#Woke #DNC #Corruption #LGBT
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2024/03/21 11:45 CST)
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Folks... This is what we are up against: an invasion of Illegal Aliens who are trying to take over our country, and no I don't think this statement is hyperbolic in the least.
#Texas #Immigration #Corruption #Mexico
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/04/01 06:46 CST)
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from Matt the Welder
#TheSouth #Florida #politics #Corruption
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/04/02 13:42 CST)
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New York City is fucking un-livable, get out while you can. If you do move somewhere else that is sane, just don't vote for the same type of #Liberal #DNC shit heads you voted for in #NewYork in your new home. In fact, maybe you should voluntarily not vote for 5 years after you move, so that you have a chance to adjust your mindset.
#Immigration #Corruption #politics
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/04/05 09:35 CST)
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How can any rational person NOT believe that #TheGreatReplacement is a conspiracy FACT?
#NewYork #BlackRock #Immigration #Corruption
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/04/08 07:30 CST)
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Excellent article on the consequences of black political power. Some of the reader's comments on this article are even better.
Sure... blacks want the same things as Whites like clean, safe streets, good schools and all of the rest of the things that make a society livable; but the difference between the races are: Whites place a higher priority on these things than blacks do and are willing to pay a higher cost for these things.
#Niggaz #politics #Corruption #ArchivePDF
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Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2024/04/11 07:23 CST)
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#CIA #FBI #Corruption #Tyranny #MinistryOfTruth
I'm not sure if I am supposed to be surprised or shocked by these revelations or just "Meh".
When the CIA was founded in 1947, it's charter prohibited it from conducting domestic operations against US citizens.
This is a bit more severe that just wiretapping or covert surveillance, this is active entrapment and straight-up Banana Republic kind of shit.
It's sad to finally acknowledge it, but the "American Experiment" is over, it has been over for some time now, we are just seeing definitive proof of it shoved in our faces.
The United States Federal Government is a clear and present danger to #WeThePeople
Shit like this is NOT part of the "Social Contract" of a "Free Democratic Republic"
This will never get fixed, only swept under the rug. We should really consider pros & cons of keeping this system.
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/04/29 17:09 CST)
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Good advice about not buying an electric vehicle because they are Death-traps that don't really help stop pollution, forget about #ClimateChange it's Scam
Also, other info about TikTok ban bill in #congress ( #SocialMedia ) also $90 Billion worth of funding for #Ukraine and #Israel #Taiwan but nothing for #WeThePeople plus looking back on the #COVID #scamdemic
#Corruption #AntiWoke #Biden
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/05/14 13:53 CST)
#StuffPeopleSaid #Corruption #scamdemic #VaccineGestapo #ToxicFeminism #ElectionFraud #Immigration #WokeCrowd
"Everything makes sense when you realize that the destruction of the United States is not due to incompetence. It's 100% intentional.
They want our border open. They want our cities consumed by crime. They want our economy to fail. They want to destroy the nuclear family. They want pandemics and forced vaccination. They want unsecure fraudulent elections. They want harmful drugs on our streets. They want to sexualize our children. They want to destroy our food supply. They want us to be destitute, uninformed and dependent on the STATE. They want to destroy our way of life for their benefit.
We Are At WAR!" - B Free
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/05/20 10:44 CST)
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These young chicks are starting to figure things out.
#Corruption #politics #Biden #Congress #MainstreamMedia #BillGates
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2024/05/20 18:29 CST)
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«Война Фугази тоже не работает. Когда Украина стала проблемой для Западной цивилизации? Когда Виктория Нуланд и компания в Госдепартаменте США решили сделать это проблемой в 2014 году. До этого, возвращаясь в туман истории, Украина Это не было проблемой. Это была довольно бедная приграничная провинция России», — Кунстлер.
#Russia #Ukraine #TrueWorldPolitics #American #Corruption #EconomicWarfare #BigPharma #ArchivePDF
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Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2024/05/22 09:16 CST)
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We truly live in a FUCKED UP and lawless society where powerful #Multinational corporation are entirely likely to "Whack" (surreptitiously kill) people for "blowing the whistle" and exposing wrongdoing and criminal negligence and malfeasance committed by these corporations that affects public safety and has likely caused deaths among their customers and the general public using their products.
#Corruption #BigPharma
"McAtee posted a video on X where she is seen saying, "Hello everybody. My name is Melissa McAtee, also known as Melissa Strickler. I am the Pfizer whistleblower that was in manufacturing quality for about five years at Pfizer, but employed total for about ten years," she says. "
@ahhbiz - Specialized Textile Outfitters manufacturers & distributors of industrial & military textile products and Manufacturer of Gnarly Wraps™
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(2024/05/22 14:50 CST)
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Hey AT&T, Thanks for wasting my time for at least 2 hours every single year and employing shady, "no caller ID" contractor sales reps to try and sell your crappy bundled wireless services as you attempt to dismantle Universal Landline Service.
Sure, keep on being the largest #NSA contractor with your "Extreme Willingness" to help this "out of control" federal agency Warrant-less-ly spy on #Americans and maintain digital records of all of our communications in their massive data center in Utah.
#Surveillance #SurveillanceState #Corruption
#Multinational #Corporatism
Watch a Tutorial on making your own archive quality PDF files of web-pages. Useful because... Properly created PDF archives are often more reliable than a regular link to a web page, for saving and sharing controversial or disputed information likely to be censored, "disappeared" or changed in the future.
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/05/26 08:14 CST)
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This isn't really news to me, but there are more people joining the chorus when it comes to exposing and decrying the ubiquitous #Surveillance from our personal electronic devices, the smart phone being the biggest threat to privacy, and now our motor vehicles which have increasingly been made into "Smart Phones on Wheels" by ALL the auto manufacturers.
#TechnocraticOligarchy #Corruption #SurveillanceState
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/06/25 18:17 CST)
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#politics #Corruption #Tyranny #irony #TooFunny #TooSad #WeThePeople
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2024/07/02 11:37 CST)
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#CivilAviation #Congress #WallStreet #Corruption
It certainly does seem that Boeing is being profit strip-mined. This does not bode well for #America
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/07/03 12:02 CST)
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Yep.... That pretty much sums it up. We are a fallen nation and the only thing that will fix this mess is to dismantle the beast in #WashingtonDC
Happy Fucking Fourth of July. We need a new Independence Day. 🖕🏛️🎆🎇
"The men that are qualified to fight are mostly conservatives and they aren’t going to go to war for the current administration. They certainly aren’t going to die for Ukraine and I doubt many are interested in dying for Israel either. If they fight a war it’s going to be here at home to remove pervasive and corrupt puppet officials along with their globalist puppet masters. " - Brandon Smith
#Military #Corruption #Ukraine #Israel #Globalist #PrivateJetPeople #WEF
Watch a Tutorial on making your own archive quality PDF files of web-pages. Useful because... Properly created PDF archives are often more reliable than a regular link to a web page, for saving and sharing controversial or disputed information likely to be censored, "disappeared" or changed in the future.
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/07/07 16:30 CST)
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Never forget these assholes and paid corporate shills making money for #BigPharma and promoting #Tyranny and #Corruption in government.
This was never about #Science this was about power and control and big pharma's profits. It was about attempting to institute so called "Vaccine Passports" and ushering in a #SurveillanceState and forwarding #BlackRock 's and their front organization in #Davos : the #WEF and their nefarious plans to take away our freedoms and establish their world government.
Fuck all these people, these petty tyrants who went along with all of this and tried to disparage those who saw through the fraud and wouldn't take the #vaccine or wear the useless masks, which were nothing more than a symbol of compliance. Fuck them all.
Too bad that so many innocent people caved into the pressure to get the #VACCINE and died from it's side effects.
#Covidiocy #CovidianCult #CovidTrials #VaccineGestapo
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/07/15 10:23 CST)
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@phoneguy I agree, I don't think this is a "Lone Wolf" situation. There is no way this kid should have been able to get this close to #trump 's podium with a rife. Also, the level of stupidity and dereliction of duty on part of the Secret Service, is just too great to be credible, even with #DEI hires, this had to be an inside job and / or willful malice.
This kid certainly had to have some sort of assistance either passive, or active; in getting through the security and getting on that roof top with the rifle.
Surely someone would have seen the kid carrying a rifle around the rally grounds so close to the podium, so it is possible that the rifle had been stashed before-hand, or someone waived him through a security checkpoint with it.
There is WAY more to this than meets the eye, and what has been released in the #MainstreamMedia
#DeepState #Corruption
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/09/06 08:26 CST)
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#America is far from the only target of the #Multinational JEWS and the #Israel lobby / legalized bribery & corruption.
The #UK has always been a prime target of the JEW, to corrupt, culturally destroy and looting the nation's wealth for the benefit of Israel.
#Kosher #Corruption #ArchivePDF
Watch a Tutorial on making your own archive quality PDF files of web-pages. Useful because... Properly created PDF archives are often more reliable than a regular link to a web page, for saving and sharing controversial or disputed information likely to be censored, "disappeared" or changed in the future. End of comments for this User or Hashtag -
(2021/07/14 12:37)3 years ago
Started by: @cali
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Started by: @Quoteman
(2021/04/18 17:41)4 years ago
Started by: @Larry
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(2021/05/27 10:58)4 years ago
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(2023/09/04 15:14)1 year ago
Started by: @WarPriest
(2022/05/02 07:23)3 years ago
Started by: @Quoteman
(2023/03/16 09:31)2 years ago
Started by: @WarPriest
(2023/02/10 14:59)2 years ago
Started by: @tex
(2022/09/13 10:54)2 years ago
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Started by: @phoneguy
(2021/06/27 11:20)4 years ago
Started by: @phoneguy
(2023/03/16 09:31)2 years ago
Started by: @WarPriest
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