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(Not the offical globalist narrative)
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2021/06/15 10:08 CST)
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Use provisions of the 2012 #NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) and the Authorization for Use of Military Force of 2001 ( #AUMF ) to defend the American people against #GlobalistTerrorism and #EconomicWarfare that is planned and coordinated through various high level meetings in #Switzerland by individuals and organizations that are causing harm to the interests, and #NationalSecurity of the American People.
I wonder if we could get the President to sign off on drone strikes, or perhaps a few cruise missles in #Davos or on the #BilderbergGroup
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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2022/05/02 14:32 CST)
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Excellent analysis. This guy gets it. The reason for this big push for
#Censorship lately is because wheels are about to come off this shitshow and the #MainstreamMedia at the behest of our governments needs to keep a lid on the mess they created with the economy (planned demolition of it) so they can usher in their "Great Reset" that #KlausSchwab "you will own nothing and be happy"
#MinistryOfTruth #WEF
#TechnocraticOligarchy #EconomicWarfare
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2022/05/25 12:28 CST)
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@cali that video you mentioned is pretty informative, and except for that bit about JFK being assassinated over silver certificates, which has been debunked a long time ago.
So I am going to re-post it here so it is easier to find.
It's NOT anti-Semitic to state the obvious truth that Jews control much of the banking industry, and it's not too hard to see how going off the gold standard and relying on fiat currency created by central banks can destroy a nation's sovereignty and private ownership of land and reduce a free people to slaves of the banking cartel.
#PoliceYourOwn #Weimar #PrivateJetPeople #FightClub #Blackrock #CBDC #EconomicWarfare #History #Israel #Kosher #Nazi #TechnocraticOligarchy #VultureCapitalism
Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2022/05/31 09:42 CST)
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Homies, even back in the 60's the Jews were co-opting and calling the shots in the black equality and civil rights movements, and it only made it worse for black folks, the ghettos got bigger and poorer and the Jews got richer and more powerful.
If you call these #Liberal Jews out for what they are doing to the black community they call you an Anti-Semite, you can't criticize these people at all.
Niggaz need to wake up and realize that the Jews ain't lookin out for our people, it's always, always, always about their people and making #Israel more powerful.
#BLM #Kosher #Shoah #Woke #GeorgeSoros #FightClub #Diversity #Holocaust #Weimar #Atlanta #Chicago #Houston #BlackPanther #MiddleClass #EconomicWarfare #History #Marxist #PrivateJetPeople #Wakanda
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2022/06/03 17:41 CST)
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This year's #BilderbergGroup meeting is here:
I wonder what kind of crap the #PrivateJetPeople will be promoting to screw #WeThePeople with this year?
#elites #Multinational #Globalist #BillGates #BlackRock #EconomicWarfare #FederalReserve #TrueWorldPolitics #WashingtonDC
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2022/06/05 09:21 CST)
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@Quoteman fair enough - I get it - don't borrow money to live a lifestyle you can't afford or you finance Jews and #Israel . But what if I don't want to support the Jew run banking and finance sector at all, and I want to keep my money in cash?
This poor guy didn't trust the Jew run banking system so he carried his life savings in Cash in Nevada, and the cops seized it under #CivilAssetForfeiture with "Federal Adoption" to get around Nevada's Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws.
Video - Watch Cops Seize Combat Vet's Life Savings [RARE FOOTAGE]
#FBI #EconomicWarfare #Veterans
@ahhbiz - Specialized Textile Outfitters manufacturers & distributors of industrial & military textile products and Manufacturer of Gnarly Wraps™
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(2022/07/05 14:44 CST)
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The Covid #scamdemic was used as a tool to shut down small business.
#American #SmallBusiness #MiddleClass #EconomicWarfare #CovidTrials #LockDown
#COVID19 #TheGreatReset
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2022/08/23 18:26 CST)
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Some pretty profound and honest commentary about the state of america and the decline of the #American empire.
#EconomicWarfare #ArchivePDF
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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2022/09/06 11:55 CST)
#NewYork #Nostalgia #EconomicWarfare #Manufacturing
" Watch old B & W movies or TV shows filmed on location in NYC during the 1940s and 1950s. Almost everyone, including the bums, are wearing some sort of suit and tie, or clean work clothes. Overweight people are almost never seen. The streetscape is a mix of small factories, mom n' pop retail, repair shops, lunch counters, cigar stores, etc. Contrast that with the post-apocalyptic nightmare of NYC today. " - Stalefarts
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2022/09/16 21:17 CST)
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You know when #GeorgeSoros says something is bad, it must be totally evil.
#BlackRock - Total evil
#China #EconomicWarfare
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2022/09/29 15:35 CST)
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This is pretty much 70+ years of #American global fuckery and manipulation via the US Dollar summed up nicely in a nutshell.
I'm actually surprised they were able to keep this shitshow going as long as they did, but like the line in the song:
"But just like things you can't afford on credit Time catches up and you have to pay" - Living Colour - Glamour Boys - Vivid - 1988
Buckle up buttercups, the ride is going get pretty rough from here on out.
#Russia #Europe #MiddleEast #DefenseSpending
#UK #EconomicWarfare #FederalReserve #ArchivePDF
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Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2022/12/17 10:17 CST)
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Hey, somebody get Jimmy Carter on the phone, they'are playing his song.
"With America hovering in a precarious netherworld between stagflationary crisis and
deflationary crisis depending on which poison the Federal Reserve chooses to give the
country, the stage has been set for an economic disaster similar to the Great
Depression or worse."
#Nostalgia #Liberal #Military #EconomicWarfare
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Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2022/12/24 15:46 CST)
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This is an interesting question to ask about slavery in the United States.
I will put it further to say that slavery wasn't really abolished in the United States of America, it only changed forms.
The 13th Amendment to the bill of rights of US constitution, ratified on December 6, 1865 abolishes the sort of slavery that involves the visible whips and chains.
Some 48 years later, the 16th Amendment to the US constitution, ratified February 3, 1913 establishes Congresses's right to impose a Federal Income tax. Imposing the sort of slavery that involves the taking of a man's labor through less visible means.
As this video points out, if someone has claim to your time and labor, you are their slave.
So in reality, the United States of America did not abolish slavery, in 1865, they simply reformed it in 1913 to involve tax forms and wage withholding, instead of whips and chains.
#IRS #Congress #EconomicWarfare #FightClub
#MiddleClass #Tyranny
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/01/11 09:57 CST)
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hey @Quoteman you should pick up some ideas from this video.
I don't think anyone truly hates Jews for their religion or how they dress, or what you folks do in your temples or synagogues. People don't like what CERTAIN JEWS do when they gain control of #Banking #MainstreamMedia #Academia and #politics
Seems when your people get in control of key positions in any country, they start tearing that country down and corrupting the youth, and destroying everything that is clean and pure and wholesome, and replace it with filth and degeneracy. Additionally they debase the money supply and use #EconomicWarfare to make us all slaves.
The thing is... This behavior directed against non-Jews is entirely sanctioned in your main religious books, the Torah and Talmud.
So my question is: Where does a "harmless" ancient religion cross the line into becoming a manifesto and justification to destroy and enslave other nations?
#Weimar #Kosher #FederalReserve
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/03/14 13:31 CST)
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Is the world heading for another "Great Depression" ?
Do these recent bank failures & resulting bank runs portend a collapse of the global economy?
Is it some sort of #EconomicWarfare to get #WeThePeople to welcome and accept #CBDC ?
I guess we will find out in the coming months.
Short bank stocks, long gold, non-perishable food, survival supplies and shotguns (just in case)
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2023/03/15 07:24 CST)
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#TrueWorldPolitics #China #Russia #WEF #CIA #EconomicWarfare
It sure sounds like our government is sleepwalking us into WWIII against a coalition of #China , #Russia and our not as friendly as advertised southern neighbor: #Mexico
I guess that is one way stimulate the economy after people start catching wind of the #BankRun currently going on, due to the inevitable collapse of the #PetroDollar and the perceived end of US dollar's global reserve currency status.
that may lead to a Great Depression, like our Great (Great) grandparents lived through.
It is widely acknowledged that the reason that the United States was so eager to enter WWII, was to stimulate the economy and get us out of the 1930's great depression.
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2023/03/31 11:42 CST)
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Цитата дня - #China #EconomicWarfare
I am telling you in past
this #CivilAssetForfeiture of global scale will return to remove pieces from seat of American trouser
it continues in Brazil now dominoes fall more rapidly. #ArchivePDF
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приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2023/04/06 09:35 CST)
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#Russia #China #TrueWorldPolitics
What #American president #Biden has done for world status of dollar reminds of what black friend in video of sharing by @floyd has done to both feet, while claiming that game of casino is played by Russians.
#TooFunny 🦶🦶🏻🦶🏼🦶🏾👣🔫💥🎰🎯
То, что сделал американский президент Байден для мирового статуса доллара, напоминает то, что черный друг на видео с Флойдом сделал с обеими ногами, утверждая, что в игру в казино играют русские.
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/04/09 09:37 CST)
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Hey @WarPriest @sluggo
Don't say I didn't try to educate you Goyim
Inflation is a bitch when you are talking about Fiat currency.
#Banking #BankRun #EconomicWarfare
#FederalReserve #History #Nostalgia
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/04/12 09:03 CST)
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@cali re:
Dude, I knew Anheuser-Busch HAD to be losing money in this marketing disaster but I thought $4 Billion sounded a little bit high.
So I researched it...
I found this article with the stock charts, and it indeed looks true:
"On March 31, Anheuser-Busch’s market capitalization was $132.38 billion.
As of Monday, April 10, the company’s market cap had sunk to $128.4 billion." -
They announced Dylan Mulvaney as Bid Light Spokesperson on April 1, 2023 and 10 days later the company lost $4 billion dollars in value.
True that: "Get #Woke , Go Broke !"
#LGBT #WokeCrowd #WokeGestapo #DEI
#Diversity #ESG #WallStreet
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Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/04/24 08:35 CST)
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This is the textbook definition of speaking truth to power.
#California #JewishHypocrisy #Weimar
#CovidianCult #CovidTrials #Banking
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2023/04/29 11:01 CST)
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#Texas #Mexico #Immigration
"They've been talking now about declaring Mexican cartels terrorist groups. This could set off a War - which could also lead to civil war - all of which Biden's government would love as they can't keep things together much longer with the dollar near free fall. Why else all the Military age males allowed in? Because they have no loyalties to the population in USA and can be easily manipulated to fight against Americans. #Biden regime is dealing in high treason." - techno-feudalism
There sure are a lot of #Military age males without families coming in from south of the border, and they ain't all from Mexico.
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/04/30 08:16 CST)
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People really need to resist Central Bank Digital Currency. Nothing good for #WeThePeople will come from it.
This is an express lane to the #Tyranny of
a #TechnocraticOligarchy
Do not say that you were not warned.
#Banking #BankRun #EconomicWarfare #WEF
#FederalReserve #crypto #bitcoin #Africa
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2023/05/02 12:30 CST)
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This is one thing I can't be proud of #Texas for.
It sure looks like government, Lawyers, Judges and the rest of the industry that grew up around the family court system have a vested interest in the destruction of the #American family, they profit directly from it.
All the more reason to separate yourself and your family from mainstream media, and any sort of government programs or services, ESPECIALLY Public Schools.
Government was not supposed to be like this, this is truly a perversion of justice, and a betrayal of #WeThePeople at the deepest level.
#MomLife #EconomicWarfare #ToxicFeminism
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/05/30 14:03 CST)
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#Justice #Woke #EconomicWarfare
" "Social justice" has become the distraction from real economic injustice. " That Pod
Exactly... This is why #OWS / Economic Justice movement disappeared and the Woke Social Justice being promoted and outright financed by the likes of #GeorgeSoros , #Blackrock and #Vanguard and even forced on corporate #America by #ESG scores and #DEI inititives.
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/06/09 06:49 CST)
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When the founders and other top insiders of
#BlackRock , one of the largest asset management companies in the world are dumping their stock to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars; I would say this might be a good time to get your money out of the stock market.
Seems like this guy's video checks out:
BlackRock Insiders Sell US$138m Of Stock, Possibly Signalling Caution (5/7/2023)
#WallStreet #EconomicWarfare
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/06/19 12:07 CST)
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#Tyranny #FederalReserve #IRS #Woke #CBDC
" "New Monetary Theory" one of WEF's darlings. Look it up. The most evil thing I've encountered in a while and perfectly explaining what is happening these days, the seemingly "illogical" moves from supposedly capitalist corporations...
In short, NMT posits that the "government" (whatever it may be) can print as much money as it wants and then give it to "worthy causes". In this model taxation is not the source of funds for the government, it becomes a purely punitive mechanism. The government gives as much as it wants to the "worthy" and takes as much as it wants from the "unworthy" under cover of "controlling inflation" or needing funds (which it never does because it has the power to print as much as it wants.) NMT is total and absolute control of all economic subjects by the state, as bad as historical communism and much worse than relatively soft economic totalitarianism of fascism." - BorgNine
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2023/06/21 06:50 CST)
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I don't think most people realize how evil
#BlackRock is, or to what extent their tentacles reach into our government and #WallStreet and indeed the world.
#TrueWorldPolitics #EconomicWarfare #DeepState
#Congress #BigPharma #Russia #Ukraine
#DefenseSpending #Banking #BananaRepublic
#TechnocraticOligarchy #WeThePeople
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/06/23 13:58 CST)
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Hey @Larry I think there may be something to that theory that there was foul play in the sinking of the Titanic in 1912
Apparently there was this French Naval expert on ships that were sunk due to explosives, this guy was the world expert on the Titanic, and had been down there to the wreck site 37 times since 1987, including this ill fated submarine trip where he was among the victims.
The men who were on board the Titanic in 1912, apparently had the power & influence to stop the #FederalReserve from being formed, and JP Morgan was the owner of the Titanic, and he was on the side of wanting a central / Federal Reserve bank.
There is a lot more to this whole story of the Titanic sinking in 1912, AND this ill fated Submarine visiting the Titanic wreck site in 2023 with a world renowned expert on ship disasters on board. The Rothschild family is INVOLVED IN BOTH THESE INCIDENTS
#EconomicWarfare #ArchivePDF
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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/06/29 06:59 CST)
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This is pretty much how inflation works. Your money loses value, but you mostly don't notice it.
#Banking #FederalReserve #EconomicWarfare
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/07/06 15:23 CST)
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Wow! #CBDC this is some scary stuff. 😨💵
#EconomicWarfare #Banking #BankRun
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/07/07 07:11 CST)
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Quote of the day:
#FederalReserve #Banking #EconomicWarfare
#MiddleClass #OWS #Niggaz
"the slave trade ended because it became apparent that you cannot force men to work hard with a slave driver and whip...the slaves will dog it.
It took too many slaves to get the equivalent of one normal employee. It cost too much for slaves. The slaves were crazy expensive to buy and the slave owner had to provide free food, housing and healthcare to make sure their investment didn't die.
The smart employers knew it was better to free the other guy's slaves, then hire them. Give them a mortgage to buy their own house and let them have kids to feed and make them pay for their own doctor...they will work harder and didn't need a slave driver...just let them have some credit so they go into debt and they'll show up every Monday morning at day break all by themselves" - Northern Vigor
Just your average good-natured 🤷😊 suburban soccer mom⚽ looking for some truth I can't find on big social media platforms and the mainstream media outlets 📺🤥
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(2023/08/08 06:40 CST)
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Home ownership for young people is almost unobtainable. Seems like there won't be a middle class soon.
#MomLife #Banking #EconomicWarfare
#TheGreatReset #Suburbs
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/08/13 11:13 CST)
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I'd say this song describes a lot of what is going on in this country outside the #WashingtonDC Beltway.
#TheSouth #SurveillanceState #EconomicWarfare
#TheGreatReset #TheWorldWeLiveIn
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2023/08/14 06:33 CST)
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#Multinational Corporations are taking over governments around the world and creating their own #Military power structure that is becoming more powerful than the state.
#Corporatism #Corruption #OWS #EconomicWarfare
#Globalist #PrivateJetPeople
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2023/08/24 13:44 CST)
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Here we go again.
The #Covidiocy will rise again !!!
The powers that SHOULDN'T be, have decided to try and push the #COVID #scamdemic again.
Apparently #BigPharma 's stock prices are down and they need to push the #VACCINE again.
#trump is running again and the #DNC need to have a reason to use mail in ballots in order to have the greatest possible amount of
#ElectionFraud and #covid fear porn blasted on the #MainstreamMedia 24/7 will do the trick, along with #masks and the #Tyranny that went with the #LockDown
I sincerely hope #WeThePeople have had enough of this and won't tolerate it again.
#PrivateJetPeople #elites #BlackRock
#CovidianCult #COVID19
#VaccineGestapo #CovidTrials
#Healthcare #EconomicWarfare #DeepState
#InformationWarfare #OperationMockingbird
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2023/10/25 09:00 CST)
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Excellent video about the "Big Picture" and issues related to #TrueWorldPolitics
A lot of topics, and a lot of dots to connect, but it does paint an ugly picture of things to come.
#Polycrisis #EconomicWarfare #Biden #Corruption #Banking #TechnocraticOligarchy #Israel #Iran #Oil #MiddleEast #BLM #Globalist #GlobalistTerrorism #WEF #BillGates #ClimateChange #KlausSchwab #Military #Corruption #Ukraine #China #BRICS #Russia
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/11/09 17:19 CST)
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Wow! That is hard hitting.
#Consumerism #PrivateJetPeople #Globalist #EconomicWarfare
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2023/12/19 08:54 CST)
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'The Government Can'
(Parody on the "The Candy Man Can" song from the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory)
#Corruption #IRS #politics #Banking #EconomicWarfare #Congress
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2024/03/16 08:31 CST)
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Delusional profiteers and cheerleaders of American #MIC (Military Industrial Complex) should listen to this retired colonel. America is in no shape militarily, financially, economically or spiritually to engage in war with #Russia nor #China . America should concern itself with securing its borders, eliminating #Corruption and repairing its economy.
Полковник Дуглас МакГрегор: «Полное разрушение. Украина в руинах! Все кончено!»
Бредовые спекулянты и сторонники американского ВПК (Военно-промышленный комплекс) должны прислушаться к этому полковнику в отставке. Америка не в состоянии в военном, финансовом, экономическом или духовном отношении участвовать в войне с Россией или Китаем. Америка должна позаботиться о безопасности своих границ. , искоренение Коррупции и восстановление экономики.
#TrueWorldPolitics #American #Military #Ukraine #EconomicWarfare
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2024/05/20 18:29 CST)
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«Война Фугази тоже не работает. Когда Украина стала проблемой для Западной цивилизации? Когда Виктория Нуланд и компания в Госдепартаменте США решили сделать это проблемой в 2014 году. До этого, возвращаясь в туман истории, Украина Это не было проблемой. Это была довольно бедная приграничная провинция России», — Кунстлер.
#Russia #Ukraine #TrueWorldPolitics #American #Corruption #EconomicWarfare #BigPharma #ArchivePDF
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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2024/06/08 07:54 CST)
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This is one of the main reasons for the US dollar's high value; it was used almost exclusively to trade #Oil around the world for the past 50 years.
You think inflation is bad now? Just wait a while, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
#PetroDollar #BRICS #Banking #EconomicWarfare #TrueWorldPolitics
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2024/07/05 13:07 CST)
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I don't think this video was given such an accurate title. Sounds more like a profitable real-estate investment strategy to me, one that capitalizes on illegal #Immigration . 🤔💸🤑💰🏢🏘️🏨🏬📈
#Banking #EconomicWarfare
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2024/07/18 16:29 CST)
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Fun Facts..
According to CA Club India:
"A Put Option is an investment made by someone who expects a company’s Stock Price to fall. People who engage in Inside Trading buy Put Options can make 5X or, sometimes even 100X profits (depends on how quickly the stock plummets).
If Trump did die in the assassination attempt, his company would have become worthless. It’s stock would have become Zero in a day. The people who bought Put Options would have made billions in profits."
Hey wasn't the guy who shot #trump coincidentally featured in a BlackRock commercial? 🤔
#TrueWorldPolitics #elites #EconomicWarfare #WallStreet #irony
Watch a Tutorial on making your own archive quality PDF files of web-pages. Useful because... Properly created PDF archives are often more reliable than a regular link to a web page, for saving and sharing controversial or disputed information likely to be censored, "disappeared" or changed in the future.
Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2024/10/16 10:39 CST)
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Damm... That some shit to think about. They say #History repeats itself, and some shit don't change.
#Niggaz #Weimar #Germany #Russia #JewishHypocrisy #Banking #EconomicWarfare #Marxist #LGBT
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