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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2021/06/27 11:20 CST)
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With the exception of the last part that posits that #COVID is something more than the common seasonal flue; this article makes some good points about the massive corruption of the United States government, and it's total disregard of the will and best interests of the American people. Also it begins to shed light on the ever growing and dangerous influence of the Military Industrial Complex #MIC
Something Eisenhower warned us about some 60 years ago (after he retired from a lifetime career of being part of that same MIC)
Can you #HearMeNow ?
#Pentagon #BigPharma #DefenseSpending #Military #Ponzi #Corruption
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Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2021/09/06 07:27 CST)
Every time the United States of America sends troops outside of our national borders, it always ends up benefiting the #MIC and really no one else.
Just look at our involvement in Korea, Vietnam and now #Afghanistan
Go watch "Born on the Fourth of July" (1989) although this movie was mostly fictional, the circumstances and the popular sentiment at the time, certainly made it possible.
Listen to this from Woodstock in 1969:
Country Joe Mcdonald - Feel Like i'm Fixing to Die Rag
"Country Joe" was organically expressing a REAL & popular sentiment of the day.
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2021/09/06 07:47 CST)
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This needs to be kept on file as a historical artifact. In case we forget where misplaced patriotism and blind faith in government, and gets us as a nation.
In reference to the argument about teaching either Communism / Marxism Vs. Patriotism / Civics in public schools.
Certainly a BIG NO to Communism / Marxism
but as for teaching Patriotism / Civics: this should be contingent upon "We the People" taking back our government from the #PrivateJetPeople and their #Multinational corporate interests who would use this Patriotism as a tool to send our young people off to foreign lands to die; for financial interests of the #MIC and #WallStreet bankers.
We should teach our kids how to build and manufacture things instead; so that we can "Re-shore" all the American Manufacturing jobs that these same #PrivateJetPeople and #Multinational corporate interests sent to #China for the past 50+ years: this is in OUR interests.
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2021/09/08 06:46 CST)
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This is a pretty good essay on the need to stop feeding the USA's #MIC ( #Military Industrial Complex )
The USA needs to stop being the "world police", and use the resources we spend on the massive overseas deployment of troops, on building our own country's infrastructure.
Our lives as Americans would be a lot better if we spent less on our military.
#DefenseSpending #ArchivePDF
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Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2021/09/08 06:56 CST)
Team America: World Police (2004)
by the producers of South Park
🤣 #WorldPolice #MIC #DefenseSpending #Military #CIA
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2021/09/10 12:01 CST)
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Hey, I never heard that the Army service dogs were given reserved seats on commercial flights out of Afghanistan, while you left American troops behind. (it never made the news here)
I guess animal rights groups have a bigger lobby than American #Veterans .
Hey if it wasn't for the #CIA Opium operation going on there the whole time, Afghanistan would have been a total loss for the United States Government.
It looks like the Chinese are going to swoop in and take over the Lithium mining & production; I guess they won't have to buy Lithium from American companies to make the batteries for the #SmartDevices they will sell us, that the #NSA is going to install back doors into so they can spy 24/7 on the American people.
Fuck You Joe, and the #TechnocraticOligarchy and #PrivateJetPeople you serve.
Happy 20th Anniversary of 9/11 !
Just More never ending #MIC bullshit.
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2021/09/11 13:00 CST)
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In celebrating 20 year anniversary of American 9/11 incident, observe now this new movie in your local venue of film projector initially on 11 September 2021.
I could have not known that your Hollywood legend Sylvester Stallone now in works producing military and political educational history films.
You Americans should listen carefully and learn much from Hollywood propaganda of your past proud Military Industrial Complex.
I remember very appropriate word when I was stationed long years ago in Germany: Schadenfreude
#Military #DefenseSpending #TooFunny #InsideJoke #MIC #CIA
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2022/04/13 09:47 CST)
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This should surprise NOBODY! Simply business as usual, another day, another dollar for #MIC
The 20 years of profits from #Afghanistan came to a halt just last year, we all know they have to make up for #DefenseSpending somewhere else. and #Ukraine will do. Of course that is the main reason for the #MainstreamMedia the #WokeCrowd and all of their #Woke accomplices pivoting "on a dime" from the #COVID scare narrative to the support Ukraine / against #Russia narrative, literally over night.
Seriously, it is the same Karens and sheepish people who were pushing and preserving the Covid narrative and masking, are EXACTLY the same people pushing the support Ukraine narrative.
#NPC 's all (Non Playable Character) #ArchivePDF
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приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2023/09/11 08:39 CST)
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In commemoration of attack of Jihadi terrorist(?) of 9/11/2001 on twin towers and Pentagon, I submit video of scientific explanation attesting to absence of truth of official statement offered by USA government.
В ознаменование нападения террориста-джихада(?) 11.09.2001 на башни-близнецы и Пентагон, представляю видео с научным объяснением, подтверждающим неправдивость официального заявления правительства США.
#Science #Terrorsim #MIC #DefenseSpending
#CIA #FBI #InsideJoke #Military
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2024/03/16 08:31 CST)
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Delusional profiteers and cheerleaders of American #MIC (Military Industrial Complex) should listen to this retired colonel. America is in no shape militarily, financially, economically or spiritually to engage in war with #Russia nor #China . America should concern itself with securing its borders, eliminating #Corruption and repairing its economy.
Полковник Дуглас МакГрегор: «Полное разрушение. Украина в руинах! Все кончено!»
Бредовые спекулянты и сторонники американского ВПК (Военно-промышленный комплекс) должны прислушаться к этому полковнику в отставке. Америка не в состоянии в военном, финансовом, экономическом или духовном отношении участвовать в войне с Россией или Китаем. Америка должна позаботиться о безопасности своих границ. , искоренение Коррупции и восстановление экономики.
#TrueWorldPolitics #American #Military #Ukraine #EconomicWarfare
Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2024/07/27 13:14 CST)
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Man... Everything we watchin from #MainstreamMedia and #Hollywood is bullshit, fuckin #CIA be funding all that shit though the Pentagon and the #MIC to get brothas to join the #Military to get they nuts shot off for some chump change GI Bill to go to some #Woke ass college. Man fuck that shit.
#Niggaz need to free they minds and educate themselves.
#DeepState #DefenseSpending
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/10/04 11:55 CST)
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I think this guy's rant at this #NewYork city meeting captures some of the anger that #Americans feel about the federal government right now.
Maybe North Carolina should rename itself #Israel or #Ukraine so it will get more money and assistance for hurricane relief.
The United states Government is worse than useeless, it is openly hostile to the American people.
#Corruption #WallStreet #MIC
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/10/05 08:45 CST)
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Fuck the United States Government, Fuck You, Fuck Ukraine, and lastly, and mostly FUCK ISRAEL and the dual Israeli citizens who's interests you serve instead of mine!!!
Instead of using my tax dollars to start World War III, use my tax dollars to help the people of North Carolina who's towns were destroyed by Hurricane Helene, also use my tax dollars to close down our borders, round up all the illegal aliens who flooded in here and toss them the fuck out of our country before we become the 3rd world. (oh wait... we already are the 3rd world, so never mind.)
#Congress #Corruption #Polycrisis #Ukraine #Israel #MIC #WaitForTheFlash
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/10/17 09:36 CST)
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I doubt absolutely nothing presented in this video.
I fully believe that the United States Government and the #Multinational corporations that control it, ( in part: #BlackRock #Vanguard ) would not hesitate to physically attack #Americans in this way, for the financial motives stated (Massive Strategic Lithium deposits)
There is growing evidence and historical examples of weather modification that indicate that steering a hurricane in this fashion is entirely possible, and has been done before.
The fact that there are Lithium mines in the exact area that was devastated by this modified weather event, provides a strong financial motive for this attack, which also aligns with strategic national interests of the "Military Industrial Complex" ( #MIC )
This is also coincides with the recent DoD directive that allows the #Military / DoD to use deadly force against US citizens on US soil.
#NorthCarolina #WeatherModification #Polycrisis #PerverseIncentives
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2025/01/03 11:58 CST)
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Out of all the noise and theories being floated about these events right now, I think this one makes the most sense:
“ The Intelligence Community is about to tell Donald J. Trump that ISIS IS BACK and is now launching terrorist attacks inside of the United States.
And so he's going to have to START A NEW WAR by invading some areas over there in the Middle East and pursuing ISIS to bring justice for the
victims killed in NOLA last night.
PS: ISIS is a CIA creation made with the help of No Name, NATO, the Mossad and several other Western intelligence agencies. It is a controlled paramilitary force that is deployed by the CIA for false flags to keep the MIC in business.
Trump is not going to fall for this. And neither should you. “ - Brianus Maximus - Overton Gladiator!
#StuffPeopleSaid #MIC #Terrorism #MiddleEast #Mossad #CIA #FBI #war #Polycrisis #Military
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