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Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2023/02/10 14:59 CST)
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It's about time the Great State of #Texas did away with #DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) which is really just code words for discrimination against White Heterosexual Males and is being pushed by the #Marxist #WokeCrowd who think that merit and actual ability need to be put aside because it is somehow "Racist", and that unqualified people should be hired, promoted or otherwise given benefits or advantage in hiring, as a way to push for some kind of supposed Social Justice.
"WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 9, 2023) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott has just told state agencies including state universities - to stop
considering diversity in hiring.
In a formal legal memo written Monday, Abbott’s chief of staff Gardner Pate told agency leaders that using diversity, equity and inclusion [DEI] policies in hiring violates federal and state employment laws." - ValueWalk
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Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/02/13 17:38 CST)
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EXCELLENT and scholarly video documentary that shows the game plan behind the JEWISH push for race mixing and their clearly evident plan for destroying the white #European race to further the Jew's goal of social, political and financial dominance over us Goyim (non-Jews) whom they see as "cattle".
Filled with examples of advertising that promotes miscegenation, as well as references and citations of relevant studies, #Science and statistics that clearly demonstrate the #antiwhite facts.
You would need to be brain dead, not to see the facts and truth of this planned destruction of Whites and our culture. Ignore what the Jews are saying when they deny this, instead focus on the results of what the Jews are doing and promoting in the #MainstreamMedia that they undeniably control.
#Weimar #PoliceYourOwn #DEI #CRT #Diversity #ToxicFeminism #Advertising #HearMeNow #InformationWarfare #Kosher #Multiculturalism #PrivateJetPeople
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/02/22 08:08 CST)
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It's pretty obvious that the Congress Niggress Sheila Jackson Lee is a puppet of the ADL
The Jews are pretty adept at using Niggers and floods of economic migrants against White Europeans, even in our ancestral homelands.
Make no mistake, the Jews are trying to erase us whites and destroy us and our culture, and they will use any useful idiots they can find, especially a low IQ Congress Niggress like Sheila Jackson Lee.
Easy test question:
Would the same economic migrants flooding into White European countries (enabled by Jewish organizations) be welcomed in #Israel ?
If the answer to that question is NO (for any reason), then the Jews truly ARE trying to destroy our race, and wipe us and our culture off the face of the earth.
The Jew only wants #DEI "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" for whites, The Jew doesn't want DEI for themselves, they want ethnic purity for their own people.
#antiwhite #Weimar #WLM
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2023/03/25 09:13 CST)
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#Africa #Wakanda #BLM #DEI #Woke
This is what happens when blacks take over any country that Whites built.
If #America keeps on going with all this Woke garbage, and hiring unqualified blacks, and giving blacks racial preference in government programs, then what happened in South Africa will happen here.
It's happening already where blacks run major cities here in the USA, just look at:
#NewYork City #Houston #Detroit #Baltimore #Chicago etc
Blacks as a people just don't have high enough IQs and levels of impulse control to maintain modern European style cities with complex infrastructure that needs to be maintained, and where long term urban planning is required.
Blacks truly are the White Man's Burden.
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/03/25 09:41 CST)
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It seems like Jewish people are being bombarded with hate from both sides of the isle, left and right.
Even well meaning social justice movements and policies like #DEI and #CRT end up being antisemitic and against #Israel
Hate is so un-American, why can't we all just get along?
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/03/30 09:04 CST)
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No surprise here...
Jews are trying to genocide and replace White #European people, and they are fomenting race hatred against us.
#antiwhite #JewishHypocrisy #CRT #DEI #WhiteGuilt #WhiteLivesMatter #WhiteSupremacy
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/04/12 09:03 CST)
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@cali re:
Dude, I knew Anheuser-Busch HAD to be losing money in this marketing disaster but I thought $4 Billion sounded a little bit high.
So I researched it...
I found this article with the stock charts, and it indeed looks true:
"On March 31, Anheuser-Busch’s market capitalization was $132.38 billion.
As of Monday, April 10, the company’s market cap had sunk to $128.4 billion." -
They announced Dylan Mulvaney as Bid Light Spokesperson on April 1, 2023 and 10 days later the company lost $4 billion dollars in value.
True that: "Get #Woke , Go Broke !"
#LGBT #WokeCrowd #WokeGestapo #DEI
#Diversity #ESG #WallStreet
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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/04/27 10:45 CST)
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People, this is what we are up against. This is why so many highly educated people are clueless and the reason why this country is in decline.
This is the reason so many people fell for the #Covidiocy / #scamdemic
This is why people don't see the true power of companies like #BlackRock and #Vanguard
This is why #Woke concepts like #CRT #DEI and the tranny #LGBT agenda are overriding simple observation and common sense.
It doesn't matter how educated you are. If you do not have CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS and can not follow logic or use objective reasoning; then you will believe whatever the
#MainstreamMedia tells you.
This why #Science , REAL SCIENCE is so important. The Scientific method based on observation, repeat-ability of results, and empirical evidence; leads to discovery of the truth.
This is why REAL SCIENCE is being demonized as being "Racist" and #AntiWoke
#Academia #InformationWarfare #WeThePeople #ArchivePDF
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Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2023/05/19 21:28 CST)
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These #Woke #Liberal #DEI activists are certifiably insane.
Toilets are a form of #WhiteSupremacy now?
Of course the that is the reason they are made typically from White glazed porcelain, to impose white supremacy; of course, it's so obvious. /sarc
No.... Nothing to do with sanitation, and making sure that it is cleaned properly by making it a color that would clearly show soiling.
So I guess these Niggers want us all to shit in the streets to bring about equality and an end to the oppression of people of color.
Yeah... Down with White Supremacist Toilets and Indoor Plumbing!! 🤣😂😆😭
These Low IQ people will bring our society back to the Jungle and to the stone age if we continue to let them have control over our society. Do ya'll miss Jim Crow Laws and literacy tests for voting yet?
#TooFunny #TooSad #Wakanda
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2023/05/23 07:03 CST)
I know @sluggo may be a little "challenged" but you should probably cut him some slack on this one.
This #Woke #Liberal #DEI ideology and the unhinged Social Justice Warrior types pushing this insanity; often promote "Social Justice Concepts" that are every bit as crazy as this satire piece from Kali Fontanilla about toilets and indoor plumbing being an extension of #WhiteSupremacy
It's getting harder and harder each day to tell "Woke Social Justice Reform" from satire and dark comedy. We are truly living in
#ClownWorld brother.
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/05/30 14:03 CST)
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#Justice #Woke #EconomicWarfare
" "Social justice" has become the distraction from real economic injustice. " That Pod
Exactly... This is why #OWS / Economic Justice movement disappeared and the Woke Social Justice being promoted and outright financed by the likes of #GeorgeSoros , #Blackrock and #Vanguard and even forced on corporate #America by #ESG scores and #DEI inititives.
@ahhbiz - Specialized Textile Outfitters manufacturers & distributors of industrial & military textile products and Manufacturer of Gnarly Wraps™
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(2023/06/10 07:24 CST)
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We at American Home & Habitat inc. are Awake, NOT Woke.
Our company does not use political posturing and virtue signaling to market our products,
instead we rely on good “old fashioned” business practices like producing and selling quality products at reasonable prices and serving our customers to the best of our ability.
However, we find that we must make a stand in what has become a culture war that affects
the future and prosperity of our independent small business and others like us.
We are “Awake, NOT Woke”. We do not support or endorse “Woke” ideology or the destructive culture of degeneracy, victim-hood, and identity politics it espouses.
#WeThePeople #AntiWoke #Woke #ESG #DEI
#WallStreet #Globalist #Military #politics
#BlackRock #Vanguard #Censorship
#CancelCulture #GeorgeSoros #KlausSchwab
#WEF #Davos #PrivateJetPeople #Weimar
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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/06/15 15:29 CST)
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Hey @ahhbiz I liked your Corporate Statement - 6/10/2023 - We at American Home & Habitat inc. are Awake, NOT Woke.
Is this video your's too? 😆😂🤣🤪
Obviously this video is a deepfake of: - Our Blades Are F***ing Great
However, the message is spot on.
It's about time that people of #European ancestry stand up and say "Enough is Enough" and remind people it was us WHITE EUROPEANS and small business that built #America and Western Civilization.
#WallStreet owned or traded #Multinational corporations like #BlackRock and #Vanguard are the ones fomenting the #WokeGestapo and their hordes of Social Justice Warriors to denigrate people of European Heritage, through #ESG &
I'm not racist, and I don't see why you can't be proud of your White heritage anymore.🤔
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2023/06/21 13:57 CST)
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You know that I am morally obligated to post this:
"The term “diversity hire” has been weaponized by white, cisgender men as a way to invalidate marginalized people’s qualifications:
“People assume this talent was hired, not because of their merit, but because of their race, ethnicity, gender, or other criteria." - Dominique Stewart
I guess the phase " #Diversity Hire" isn't a "Weaponized" slur, maybe its an acknowledgement that an unqualified person who is hired for reasons other than MERIT can get people hurt or killed.
#CRT #DEI #Woke
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/07/04 09:43 CST)
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The #European people are being demonized by an #antiwhite popular culture being promoted by the JEWS, through their control of the #MainstreamMedia , #Academia and #Banking .
Don't fall prey to their vile hatred and propaganda, be proud to be who you are as a person of White European Heritage. Our people made most of the greatest achievements and technological advancements in the #History of human kind.
#JewishHypocrisy #israel #Blackrock #ESG
#DEI #PrivateJetPeople #FightClub
Yo my peoples, it can be hard to breathe if you like yo Fetty. tell yo chillens they be lined in chalk if they livin' in the gangsta's paradise too long.
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(2023/08/16 21:23 CST)
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Man, you know #America is so racist that #Niggaz be defectin to North Korea and shit. Koreans aint racist at all, they appreciate the soul brotha!
North Korea sure won't keep a brotha down, I'm sure they gonna make him cheif of their #DEI department and he be livin like a king and shit, maybe they invite his whole family to come too.
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2023/08/25 08:19 CST)
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Ahhhh... The beginning of another school year is upon us, let us take time to reflect on the enriched
#Education opportunities that our children are receiving in public schools across this great nation since School integration became the law of the land in 1954. These life changing opportunities would not be possible without #Diversity / #DEI
#TheSouth #Niggaz #Nostalgia
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/09/03 13:56 CST)
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I gotta post this, there are just too many women out there who think that I just badmouth women say that everything a woman does that competes with men is
Wrong.... Here is a woman telling us why women are not as smart as they think they are.
It comes down to this: Women use their emotions to try and solve problems and only make those problems worse, while men use logic and reason to actually solve the problem.
Until we as a society realize this and women are returned to roles that they can handle instead of being management "Affirmative Actioned" or #DEI -ed into positions they can't handle; society will continue to decline.
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/09/04 15:14 CST)
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Call the #SDL This is the absolute pinnacle of
#BanTheADL 🚫✡️🕍🇮
JEWS are all for #Diversity / #DEI when it comes to flooding #Europe / #EU and the United States of
#America with 3rd world immigrants but they don't want non Jew #Immigration into #Israel especially from #Africa
However, when we Whites / #European people want to preserve our nations and our ethnicity and racial purity from foreign INVADERS, we are all called White Supremacists and Racists.
FUCK JEWS and FUCK ISRAEL you Hypocritical #antiwhite Kikes. The #Holocaust / #Shoah didn't fucking happen, but should have.
Hitler was right you creatures need to be deported our societies, the same way you want to deport these these Eritreans from Israel !!!
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2023/11/22 15:32 CST)
Quote of the day #StuffPeopleSaid #Diversity #antiwhite #DEI
"Let's be honest. White people BUILT this country. White people ARE Western Civilization. Without white people to maintain and grow it, that civilization will fall to the level of those races who overwhelm it. What does that mean? Another Aztec Empire? Sub-Saharan primitive tribalism? Or an entire world of brown serfs subservient to Jews? All scenarios are nightmares not only for the dwindling Caucasian builders, but those lower races who have benefited so mightily from everything we have created. This is not elitist snobbery. It is cold hard fact. Make of it what you will... but, demographics IS destiny." - Eyewillcomply
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/11/23 08:30 CST)
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Stick a fork in it, This country is done. The malcontents and their cultural rot that is promoting misguided #Marxist #Diversity and #DEI initiatives has finally infiltrated the highest levels of government. Not only is the #NSA conducting intrusive, unconstitutional warantless spying on #Americans as per the revelations of Edward #Snowden but now this #SurveillanceState behemoth is attacking the very ideals and culture that built this country with #Woke #antiwhite and pro #LGBT personnel policies that punish capable, hard working people of #European ancestry and reward less qualified people on the basis of perceived victim status or minority group membership.
How is this not Anti-White Racism?
Yet they still expect Whites and other so-called "Colonial Oppressors" to pay taxes.
I wonder how many minority Analysts, code breakers & computer programmers the NSA actually hires compared to Whites, and how successful each group is?
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Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/01/03 18:02 CST)
#Diversity #DEI #WokeCrowd #Woke
#Healthcare #CivilAviation #Academia
"If I walked into a doctor's office and encountered a black, male doctor even 10 years ago, I would have assumed that the man was totally competent thanks to the meritocracy.
But today, I'd assume he's a C- student who made his way through the system thanks to his "victimhood" and I wouldn't trust him.
It's ironic that the woke movement has resulted in less trust of women and non-whites in professional jobs, and not more. This movement also means that any straight white male professional that actually made it through an education system heavily rigged against him must be really, really good and was possibly at the top of his class. So more than ever, I want a white doctor operating on me, a white guy flying my plane, and a white guy designing the bridge I'm going to be driving over. " - Welfarebum
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/01/14 09:59 CST)
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This #Diversity / #DEI hiring has gone too far now, with airlines and #CivilAviation companies falling over themselves to hire UNQUALIFIED MINORITY pilots based on their sex and skin color to fulfill diversity / DEI inititives being pushed by #BlackRock in their #ESG intititives (yes they are linked)
This is creating a recipe for disaster in air travel.
"Shaneequa" couldn't run an airline ticket counter without White supervision, now they want to put her in the cockpit of a plane, putting 100s of people's lives at risk due to her low IQ, lack of impulse control, and overall incompetence.
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/01/14 10:12 CST)
Regarding my previous post:
Niggers, Ragheads & Women Being Hired To Fly Planes When They Can't Even Build A House (13th Jan)
Larry Fink, head of #BlackRock the Global Asset Management company (which owns stock in every major company you have ever heard of) routinely flies around the world in his private jet. I wonder if he would want "Shaneequa" or the other #Diversity / #DEI hires flying his jet? Or maybe only us "Plebes" are supposed to risk our lives on "Shaneequa's" incompetency.
Maybe all those #elites attending the #WEF annual meeting in #Davos #Switzerland
can all virtue signal about their acceptance of their #ESG based DEI / Diversity Hired Pilots over hiring pilots by actual MERIT!
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/01/16 10:25 CST)
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#Sarcasm : The new advertisement for United Airlines touting their groundbreaking #Diversity hiring model for pilots.🤣🤣🤣
#DEI #CivilAviation #TooFunny #TooSad #WokeOlympics
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/02/01 13:24 CST)
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#TooFunny #WokeCrowd #Academia #DEI
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/02/09 09:56 CST)
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there is a lot of information to process in this video put together by Anthropologist author Robert Sepehr. Links origins of #Marxist Communism in #Germany with modern day #Woke causes like #BLM and the #LGBT #DEI and free #Immigration movements being sponsored by #Globalist actors like #GeorgeSoros #BillGates #KlausSchwab and organizations like the #WEF and promoted in #MainstreamMedia and #Hollywood
The 1999 movie, "Eyes Wide Shut" from Stanley Kubrick, may be more fact than fiction. Kubrick died shortly after arguing with producers about cutting 24 minutes from that movie. Coincidence or foul play?
#Banking #philosophy #TrueWorldPolitics
1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, #politics and Finance - by Robert Sepehr
Publisher : Atlantean Gardens; 1st edition (May 15, 2015)
Language : English
Paperback : 78 pages
ISBN-10 : 1943494010
ISBN-13 : 978-1943494019
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/03/11 12:07 CST)
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More documentation of #TheGreatReplacement through #Immigration courtesy of the JEWS not just in #America but in #Europe and #UK
#DEI and #Multiculturalism are #antiwhite tools of the Great Replacement.
The JEWS are trying to replace us White folks. This isn't a conspiracy theory it is CONSPIRACY FACT !!!
JEWS want unlimited immigration into America and Europe but they don't want it for #Israel
This is the height of #JewishHypocrisy
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/03/12 07:20 CST)
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"Decades ago I thought: Cool. A black guy who inspires the youth . . what a healthy image for
the black youth of america . .
Then I started watching more, saw his documentarys etc . . and you quickly realize he's just a poor kid from the Bronx ( #NewYork ) who really really likes to be on tv and be called a scientist. He always throws himself into the group of Isaac Newton, Einstein, Galileo and calls them "US" scientist
.."WE" scientists.. like he invented space somehow. " - Q_U_A_N_T_U_M
Wow!! Some harsh words for Neil deGrasse Tyson, but TOTALLY deserved and Spot-On.
See whole quote in the PDF #ArchivePDF
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Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2024/03/14 07:40 CST)
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Dammmm... This sista endorsing #trump and dropping some Mega-ton truth bombs about #DEI and hiring unqualified people just because they black, and with a preference for black lesbians.
Dissin and exposing Obama #BLM #Biden the #DNC for not caring about black folks and settin black families and black communities up for failure.
#Niggaz #ToxicFeminism #American #politics
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/03/14 08:10 CST)
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This video will give you some idea of what #America will be like when NIGGERS like Kayla Aliese Carter come to power and get their way.
"Kayla Aliese Carter," the head of College Park, Maryland's racial equity department, which aims to eliminate systemic racism in its local government, supports "Black liberation" through revolutionary means and praises a plan "how we will eat and live and grow after we burn it all down."
"I can't wait for society to collapse so MY ideology can rise from the ashes!"-Kayla Aliese Carter
#Niggaz #DEI #Marxist #WokeGestapo #WashingtonDC #Baltimore #Africa
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/03/22 07:10 CST)
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Boeing, Well there's your problem !
#Niggaz #CivilAviation #Diversity #DEI
Mike #MGTOW is the name, exposing #ToxicFeminism & modern women as the greedy, entitled trash they are is my game 🎮🤑☣️🚺🤮
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(2024/04/08 12:07 CST)
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Female pilot has meltdown in front of passengers, boards plane in civilian clothes and asks passengers to vote on whether she should take 10 minutes to put on her uniform. Scares a bunch of passengers who then get off plane. Female pilot then exits plan after ranting about politics and the patriarchy.
Totally unhinged #Diversity hire.
Between Boeing making crappy planes, to incompetent aircraft mechanics and flight crews, flying is becoming something to avoid.
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/05/06 14:25 CST)
#StuffPeopleSaid #Niggaz #Africa #DEI
"I have to say that is something I think most people fail to fully understand. If not for what whites have done, in terms of technology, had blacks not been brought to the West they would still be living in huts and half clad. We see them in things we have developed, proper housing, autos, clothing, etc., so we assume they are like us. THEY ARE NOT LIKE US. They are primitives. It is one of the West's greatest failures, to assume they are like us and let them run around among us. " - isst
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2024/05/29 15:00 CST)
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If you consider yourself a #Woke Social Justice Warrior or Woke activist / agent of change, then you need to listen to this.
Mao Zedong had people and organizations who functioned just like you do in #China during the "Cultural Revolution" in the 1960's, and when he achieved his goal of destabilizing the old Chinese culture, he disposed of his "Woke" Red Guards, the same way you will be disposed of when your efforts usher in the tyrannical #Globalist "Stakeholder Capitalism" that the #WEF and #BlackRock are promoting. (apparently just a Western flavor of Maoist / #Marxist ideals)
Whether "Woke-ism" wins or loses, you lose as promoter of Woke culture, and a destabilizer of the old culture.
#ESG #DEI #TrueWorldPolitics #WokeCrowd #WokeGestapo
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2024/05/31 08:15 CST)
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#TooFunny #TooSad #DEI #CivilAviation
Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2024/06/04 07:28 CST)
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Man, this shit is #TooFunny
Parody on the Terminator as a #Woke tolerance pusher
#DEI #Diversity #Sarcasm
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2024/06/06 19:19 CST)
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If you own a ranch it's pretty hard to stay out of Tractor Supply Co. but I'm gonna do my darndest to shop somewhere else.
I'm not going to spend my money on supporting #Woke causes like #DEI
#Texas #Tennessee
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/06/07 13:36 CST)
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#CIA #Woke #DEI #Diversity #TooFunny 🤣😆😂
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2024/07/10 07:44 CST)
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Dang it!!! More #American brands earning themselves a boycott by pushing this #Woke #LGBT #Marxist #AntiWhite #DEI agenda on their conservative, NORMAL customers.
They are even promoting and singing the praises of this radical, Commi Ibram X. Kendi character who pretty much says: that if you are White, you are a racist.
People, this radical, Woke "Diversity Equity & Inclusion" stuff is all about pushing a Communist agenda, deconstructing and maligning the capitalist system that built this country and rewarded those who were willing work hard and put in an honest day's work.
Instead, these lazy Pinko Commies want to reward a "victim class" with political favors and money they take from us productive folks by taxation, based on a notion of making amends for some perceived past oppression. It's just hogwash!
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/07/15 08:01 CST)
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Hey @phoneguy I liked the quote you posted yesterday about the #trump assassination attempt in Butler PA near #Pittsburgh
That quote raises some serious questions about the performance of the Secret Service.
Look at this fat broad they hired to be on Trump's Secret Service detail. Her fat ass is wearing suspenders because her belt is useless for holding up her pants because she has no waist and is grossly out of shape, bordering on being morbidly obese.
This incompetent cunt, an obvious #DEI hire can't even holster her weapon, she has trouble finding her holster and then ends up keeping her sidearm drawn in an apparent attempt cover that up those failed attempts to holster.
One of the first things Trump should do when he gets back into office is totally scrap all this Diversity Equity & Inclusion crap and go back to hiring people based on MERIT !
#ToxicFeminism #Diversity
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/07/15 10:23 CST)
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@phoneguy I agree, I don't think this is a "Lone Wolf" situation. There is no way this kid should have been able to get this close to #trump 's podium with a rife. Also, the level of stupidity and dereliction of duty on part of the Secret Service, is just too great to be credible, even with #DEI hires, this had to be an inside job and / or willful malice.
This kid certainly had to have some sort of assistance either passive, or active; in getting through the security and getting on that roof top with the rifle.
Surely someone would have seen the kid carrying a rifle around the rally grounds so close to the podium, so it is possible that the rifle had been stashed before-hand, or someone waived him through a security checkpoint with it.
There is WAY more to this than meets the eye, and what has been released in the #MainstreamMedia
#DeepState #Corruption
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/10/02 17:19 CST)
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#TheSouth #Polycrisis #DEI #Diversity #immigration #AntiWhite
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/10/04 08:07 CST)
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There is no reason for any White person to pay Federal Taxes anymore. The United States government is officially #AntiWhite and prioritizes us Whites last, if at all when dishing out help during a disaster.
The federal government should be dissolved and disbanded, and the states should govern themselves.
We need our own currency backed by gold so that we can cut ourselves loose from government corruption and it's Anti-White discrimination.
The government is just one big tapeworm the sooner we shit it out, the better.
We need something like this:
#FEMA #DEI #Banking #FederalReserve #TheSouth
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/10/09 12:06 CST)
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It does not seem like this nation and Western Civilization can continue down the path it is on now.
Extreme #Diversity / #DEI and the concept of Social Justice being superior to merit will have severe consequences in the near future.
We are no longer that nation that encouraged and rewarded hard work and achievement that led to our high standard of living compared to much of the world, now as a nation we encourage and reward weakness, division and a whole hierarchy of victim status. There is no way that our standard of living is going anywhere but down until this is corrected.
I really do think that presidential election 2024 will be a watershed moment in our nation's #History . I am not implying that #trump is our savior, his loyalties and motives are questionable at best, but the ideology that he represents in contrast to what #KamalaHarris represents, will determine if this nation remains "1st world" or descends to the level of the 3rd world.
#Marxist #politics
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(2021/07/14 12:37)4 years ago
Started by: @cali
(2022/04/08 15:58)3 years ago
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(2021/04/18 17:41)4 years ago
Started by: @Larry
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(2021/05/27 10:58)4 years ago
Started by: @hoodie
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(2022/05/02 07:23)3 years ago
Started by: @Quoteman
(2023/03/16 09:31)2 years ago
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(2023/02/10 14:59)2 years ago
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Started by: @sluggo
(2021/06/27 11:20)4 years ago
Started by: @phoneguy
(2021/06/27 11:20)4 years ago
Started by: @phoneguy
(2023/03/16 09:31)2 years ago
Started by: @WarPriest
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