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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/03/15 14:12 CST)
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We are actually witnessing the descent of our country into a failed state, one city at a time.
" #Pittsburgh police say they will no longer respond to calls that are not 'in-progress emergencies' amid staffing shortages
*Pittsburgh police announced this week that they will no longer respond to calls that are not 'in-progress emergencies' in the early morning hours
*Instead, lower priority calls will get sent to a telephone reporting unit"
The Purge -Movie series
"In an #America wracked by crime and overcrowded prisons, the government has sanctioned an annual 12-hour period in which any and all criminal activity-including murder-becomes legal. The police can't be called. Hospitals suspend help. It's one night when the citizenry regulates itself"