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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2022/05/10 14:22 CST)
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" I believe many corporations were told things by marketing like "58% of consumers want this
#Woke message" but they didn't think past the fact the remaining 42% have 80% of the money to spend. Slowly but surely I believe this reality is starting to dawn on corporations that maybe the supporting the woke non-sense wasnt exactly good for business.
Like dominos it will fall until eventually we're back to having a real choice again.
Starting with a company like Blackrock is a good start.
Another good tip is start looking into company's ESG scores - the ESG scores are the WEFs way of scoring companies based on their Environmental, Societal, and Government impacts. Disney had a perfect ESG score.
If we, as conservatives, agreed to only do business with the bottom 25% or bottom 50% of the ESG scores we could still turn this thing around. " - GhostofSilverIsMoney #ArchivePDF
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Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2022/08/12 13:21 CST)
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It's about time the great state of #Texas stood up to #BlackRock #WEF the and their #Woke #ESG agenda.
Maybe we could get also antitrust action against Blackrock and #Vanguard .
There is no reason why these companies should be so powerful and control so much of the world's commerce. #ArchivePDF
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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2022/12/20 14:34 CST)
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"Vegan idiots who aren't educated enough to know or care to understand that huge bubbles of methane come up from under the ocean constantly from the rotting vegetation of former ages.
Not to mention that the millions of ruminant bison that roamed the Great Plains for eons created more methane than cows ever will and the planet was fine." - ebworthen
Also, Not to mention Volcanic activity that can push out more greenhouse gasses than the fossil fuels burned during the entire Industrial Revolution.
These Climate Change, Enviromentalist Wackos, don't care about common sense, logic, or real
#Science , they are just playing into the hands of the #Globalist agenda being promoted by the likes of the #WEF #KlausSchwab #BlackRock #ESG
the #ClimateChange scam is a backdoor to neo-feudalism and authoritarian #Tyranny
Don't believe in "Man-made Global warming".
Ultimately, You and I, are the "Carbon" they want to reduce; through population reduction.
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/04/12 09:03 CST)
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@cali re:
Dude, I knew Anheuser-Busch HAD to be losing money in this marketing disaster but I thought $4 Billion sounded a little bit high.
So I researched it...
I found this article with the stock charts, and it indeed looks true:
"On March 31, Anheuser-Busch’s market capitalization was $132.38 billion.
As of Monday, April 10, the company’s market cap had sunk to $128.4 billion." -
They announced Dylan Mulvaney as Bid Light Spokesperson on April 1, 2023 and 10 days later the company lost $4 billion dollars in value.
True that: "Get #Woke , Go Broke !"
#LGBT #WokeCrowd #WokeGestapo #DEI
#Diversity #ESG #WallStreet
Watch a Tutorial on making your own archive quality PDF files of web-pages. Useful because... Properly created PDF archives are often more reliable than a regular link to a web page, for saving and sharing controversial or disputed information likely to be censored, "disappeared" or changed in the future.
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/05/30 14:03 CST)
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#Justice #Woke #EconomicWarfare
" "Social justice" has become the distraction from real economic injustice. " That Pod
Exactly... This is why #OWS / Economic Justice movement disappeared and the Woke Social Justice being promoted and outright financed by the likes of #GeorgeSoros , #Blackrock and #Vanguard and even forced on corporate #America by #ESG scores and #DEI inititives.
@ahhbiz - Specialized Textile Outfitters manufacturers & distributors of industrial & military textile products and Manufacturer of Gnarly Wraps™
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(2023/06/10 07:24 CST)
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We at American Home & Habitat inc. are Awake, NOT Woke.
Our company does not use political posturing and virtue signaling to market our products,
instead we rely on good “old fashioned” business practices like producing and selling quality products at reasonable prices and serving our customers to the best of our ability.
However, we find that we must make a stand in what has become a culture war that affects
the future and prosperity of our independent small business and others like us.
We are “Awake, NOT Woke”. We do not support or endorse “Woke” ideology or the destructive culture of degeneracy, victim-hood, and identity politics it espouses.
#WeThePeople #AntiWoke #Woke #ESG #DEI
#WallStreet #Globalist #Military #politics
#BlackRock #Vanguard #Censorship
#CancelCulture #GeorgeSoros #KlausSchwab
#WEF #Davos #PrivateJetPeople #Weimar
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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/06/15 15:29 CST)
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Hey @ahhbiz I liked your Corporate Statement - 6/10/2023 - We at American Home & Habitat inc. are Awake, NOT Woke.
Is this video your's too? 😆😂🤣🤪
Obviously this video is a deepfake of: - Our Blades Are F***ing Great
However, the message is spot on.
It's about time that people of #European ancestry stand up and say "Enough is Enough" and remind people it was us WHITE EUROPEANS and small business that built #America and Western Civilization.
#WallStreet owned or traded #Multinational corporations like #BlackRock and #Vanguard are the ones fomenting the #WokeGestapo and their hordes of Social Justice Warriors to denigrate people of European Heritage, through #ESG &
I'm not racist, and I don't see why you can't be proud of your White heritage anymore.🤔
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/07/04 09:43 CST)
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The #European people are being demonized by an #antiwhite popular culture being promoted by the JEWS, through their control of the #MainstreamMedia , #Academia and #Banking .
Don't fall prey to their vile hatred and propaganda, be proud to be who you are as a person of White European Heritage. Our people made most of the greatest achievements and technological advancements in the #History of human kind.
#JewishHypocrisy #israel #Blackrock #ESG
#DEI #PrivateJetPeople #FightClub
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/01/14 09:59 CST)
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This #Diversity / #DEI hiring has gone too far now, with airlines and #CivilAviation companies falling over themselves to hire UNQUALIFIED MINORITY pilots based on their sex and skin color to fulfill diversity / DEI inititives being pushed by #BlackRock in their #ESG intititives (yes they are linked)
This is creating a recipe for disaster in air travel.
"Shaneequa" couldn't run an airline ticket counter without White supervision, now they want to put her in the cockpit of a plane, putting 100s of people's lives at risk due to her low IQ, lack of impulse control, and overall incompetence.
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2024/01/14 10:12 CST)
Regarding my previous post:
Niggers, Ragheads & Women Being Hired To Fly Planes When They Can't Even Build A House (13th Jan)
Larry Fink, head of #BlackRock the Global Asset Management company (which owns stock in every major company you have ever heard of) routinely flies around the world in his private jet. I wonder if he would want "Shaneequa" or the other #Diversity / #DEI hires flying his jet? Or maybe only us "Plebes" are supposed to risk our lives on "Shaneequa's" incompetency.
Maybe all those #elites attending the #WEF annual meeting in #Davos #Switzerland
can all virtue signal about their acceptance of their #ESG based DEI / Diversity Hired Pilots over hiring pilots by actual MERIT!
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
7 Following 7 Followers
(2024/05/29 15:00 CST)
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If you consider yourself a #Woke Social Justice Warrior or Woke activist / agent of change, then you need to listen to this.
Mao Zedong had people and organizations who functioned just like you do in #China during the "Cultural Revolution" in the 1960's, and when he achieved his goal of destabilizing the old Chinese culture, he disposed of his "Woke" Red Guards, the same way you will be disposed of when your efforts usher in the tyrannical #Globalist "Stakeholder Capitalism" that the #WEF and #BlackRock are promoting. (apparently just a Western flavor of Maoist / #Marxist ideals)
Whether "Woke-ism" wins or loses, you lose as promoter of Woke culture, and a destabilizer of the old culture.
#ESG #DEI #TrueWorldPolitics #WokeCrowd #WokeGestapo
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/11/28 11:59 CST)
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#DEI is finally on it's way out with #Trump on the way in.
It's about time. TH US #Military was / is a national embarrassment with the #WokeCrowd in the head shed.
#Globalist #ESG
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/12/17 09:38 CST)
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You don't need to delve into any "shaky" conspiracy theories to see that #BlackRock is too big to be properly governed, it is a threat to #WeThePeople and is capable of manipulating stock markets and even exerting undue influence on popular culture as well as business practices as we have seen with Blackrock's pushing of #Woke ness and #DEI through the #ESG score scheme that rewarded companies for being woke, even though it conflicted with profits.
There is no question that Black Rock and companies like it need to be dismantled and broken down into smaller companies to limit their power.
#WallStreet #Rothschild #Tyranny
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/12/18 09:54 CST)
"Loving my White Race, and not others, is always a biologically adaptive, and NATURAL mechanism to ensure the survival of MY people. All of ESG is an anti-White agenda, designed to hurt our birth rates and ability to defend ourselves, from a Kalergi Plan Agenda created and implemented by Jewish people, to eradicate the White Race. It is so obvious and ubiquitous in the ONCE White, West, it is a shock there has not been violent reprisals against the Jewish funded Left. LGBTQ+, Open Borders, are driven by the most expelled people in human history, who were given our money supply by a Woodrow Wilson who was being blackmailed (aka Jefferey Epstein of the early 20th century) by Rothschilds & Sons. " - demographics_r_destiny
The Kalergi Plan - by Anonymous
Publisher : Independently published (April 14, 2024)
Language : English
Paperback : 24 pages
ISBN-13 : 979-8322899525
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2025/01/06 10:32 CST)
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Schwab praises #China 's communist party and makes the CCP one of the “Stakeholders” of Schwab's / the World Economic Forum's #Globalist scheme to subvert our Democratic Republic and our sovereignty as a nation.
This new form of Globalist Communism creates class struggle but instead of using the Workers as was done in classic Communism, this Global communism uses Transgender individuals and people of color to create class struggle and #ClimateChange as way to promote fear and compliance to the Globalist agenda. #DEI , #ESG #Woke and other group movements like #BLM and #LGBT have also been enlisted in this war against our national sovereignty.
#WeThePeople need to recognize WEF as a hostile non-state entity and prosecute it's stakeholders in the USA as treasonous agents who seek to subvert our government.
#Marxism #Davos #PrivateJetPeople #TheGreatReset
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(2021/07/14 12:37)4 years ago
Started by: @cali
(2022/04/08 15:58)3 years ago
Started by: @Larry
(2021/06/04 06:37)4 years ago
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(2021/06/05 08:42)4 years ago
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(2021/03/17 12:41)4 years ago
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(2021/06/11 06:46)4 years ago
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(2021/06/11 06:58)4 years ago
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(2021/06/26 09:10)4 years ago
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(2021/08/30 12:17)4 years ago
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(2021/04/18 17:41)4 years ago
Started by: @Larry
(2021/09/07 19:12)4 years ago
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(2021/05/28 12:38)4 years ago
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(2023/08/02 09:10)2 years ago
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(2023/09/04 15:14)2 years ago
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(2022/05/02 07:23)3 years ago
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(2023/03/16 09:31)2 years ago
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(2023/02/10 14:59)2 years ago
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(2022/09/13 10:54)3 years ago
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(2022/05/18 18:49)3 years ago
Started by: @sluggo
(2021/06/27 11:20)4 years ago
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(2023/03/16 09:31)2 years ago
Started by: @WarPriest
(2024/10/29 08:50)4 months ago
Started by: @Larry
(2021/06/27 11:20)4 years ago
Started by: @phoneguy
(2024/05/23 14:41)10 months ago
Started by: @Quoteman
(2021/08/28 19:03)4 years ago
Started by: @Quoteman
(2021/08/07 06:36)4 years ago
Started by: @phoneguy
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