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Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2021/05/25 07:27 CST)
• Homicide is not the only crime that is vastly racially disproportionate. #NewYork City is representative of other crime spreading across the country. Blacks are 23 percent of New York’s population, but they commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime, according to the victims of, and witnesses to, those crimes. Whites are 33 percent of the New York City’s population, but they commit less than 2 percent of all shootings, 4 percent of all robberies, and 5 percent of all violent crime.
• The United States is third in murders throughout the world, but if you omit just five Black cities ( #Chicago , #Detroit , #WashingtonDC , #StLouis , and #NewOrleans ) from the equation, then the United States is fourth from the bottom.
• Black serial killers have comprised over half of documented serial killers since the dawn of the 21st century at 56 percent, making up a total of 40 percent in years dating back to 1900.