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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2021/07/28 16:17 CST)
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Authored by Maik Fielitz and Reem Ahmed,
RAN External Experts
European Commission
Radicalization Awareness Network
It’s not funny anymore.
Far-right extremists’ use of humor
from Page 5: “The most potent weapons known to mankind are satire and ridicule”
I guess that is one of the most dangerous websites on the internet.
#Fascism #Europe #EU
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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2021/09/14 14:07 CST)
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Class Action Lawsuit in #Spain to force Spanish
or #EU government to prove that Corona virus / COVID-19 virus exists. If the government can not prove that the virus has been isolated and identified; the plaintiffs may have a case that all lockdown and so called "Pandemic" measures are violating Spanish / EU civil rights.
This similar to a case pending in #Canada
#COVID #Covid #COVID19 #jab #LockDown
#lockdown #vaccine #VACCINE #LockDown #covid
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2022/09/07 08:33 CST)
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If you want to have an accurate picture of what is going on economically in #Europe and the problems that #European citizens will have in the #EU this coming winter, this video paints a pretty good picture.
Fox news has come a long way, but it is still controlled by the #Multinational #elites
This commentary by Tucker Carlson seems accurate and highlights the West's instigation of a bullshit war in #Ukraine against #Russia as scapegoat for destruction of #MiddleClass and the destruction of our standard of living in the west in general.
Dark times are on the horizon, anybody with any sense should be preparing for the worst in the coming years, unless there is a change of course, and these #elite policy makers stop pushing the #Davos #WEF #ClimateChange agenda, which is really a war on the prosperity of the middle class and a power grab by the #PrivateJetPeople
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2022/09/29 14:47 CST)
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Now this is the best analysis I have heard all day about the brewing conflict involving #America the
#EU and #Russia with the recent apparent sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline system
It is pretty unlikely the Russians sabotaged their own pipeline when they can literally turn a valve to shut it down in Russia.
Biggest suspect: The United States Government, to create chaos in #Europe to distract the world and weaken Europe during the obvious collapse of United States' own empire and the ending of it's dominance as the worlds greatest super power, as #China takes America's place as the most powerful and important country in the world, due to superiority of it's manufacturing base, while America's manufacturing has long crumbled and been outsourced to China decades ago.
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2022/12/19 14:35 CST)
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The #EU and the #Globalist #ClimateChange scam promoters are at it again, trying to push draconian restrictions, taxing the #European people into poverty, and attempting to usher in a neo-feudalistic hellscape in #Europe predicated on the premise of Climate Change/ Global warming.
Those pushing these the carbon taxes and restrictions know full well, and even predict massive protests and civil unrest all over Europe but they are doing it anyway.
People will literally be starving from food shortages from the farms that are being shut down in the Netherlands in a Nitrogen / Fertilizer reduction scheme, also in the name of "preventing climate change" , and now people will be cold and can't afford home heating and fuel for their vehicles.
Europe is in for a rough ride in the next few years. It seems that European survival requires the overthrow of globalist power structures and the #Davos based #WEF purveyors of #GlobalistTerrorism like #BlackRock & #KlausSchwab
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2023/01/17 15:17 CST)
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Fuck this low IQ NIGGER
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Tx.)
and her whole monkey-ass NIGGER family.
This Nigger wants to effectively revoke #FreeSpeech and the 1st. amendment
Blacks on average have a lower IQ than WHITE #European people, most of Sub-Saharan #Africa is nearly still in the stone age today,in places where there was no influence from WHITE European COLONISTS.
So I will stick by the FACT that BLACKS are inferior as a race, to WHITE Europeans.
I support the "REPLACEMENT THEORY"; that Jews and their lackeys are trying to replace WHITE Europeans in their own #EU countries & in #America
Furthermore I will say that 6 million Jews being killed in a supposed #Holocaust and / or in Nazi concentration camps is logistically impossible and did NOT happen.
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Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/05/02 12:11 CST)
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A lot of truth being dropped here about #BigPharma , #Healthcare and the #Globalist agenda in #EU
I have to agree:
The #COVID #scamdemic was really about a transfer of power to the globalist cabal, and about taking the rights away from sovereign democracies.
It should be obvious to all who were paying attention for the past 3 years:
#BlackRock / the #Banking industry / #WEF and the corporate interests they represent, were ultimately behind all of this, and are the true enemy of freedom and national sovereignty.
There is no Fucking reason why one corporation like BlackRock should be so powerful and have ownership of so many key industries around the world. This is a recipe for #totalitarianism and a Global #TechnocraticOligarchy
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/09/04 15:14 CST)
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Call the #SDL This is the absolute pinnacle of
#BanTheADL 🚫✡️🕍🇮
JEWS are all for #Diversity / #DEI when it comes to flooding #Europe / #EU and the United States of
#America with 3rd world immigrants but they don't want non Jew #Immigration into #Israel especially from #Africa
However, when we Whites / #European people want to preserve our nations and our ethnicity and racial purity from foreign INVADERS, we are all called White Supremacists and Racists.
FUCK JEWS and FUCK ISRAEL you Hypocritical #antiwhite Kikes. The #Holocaust / #Shoah didn't fucking happen, but should have.
Hitler was right you creatures need to be deported our societies, the same way you want to deport these these Eritreans from Israel !!!
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/10/16 12:33 CST)
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O my God! What complete Bullshit propaganda.
So Completely shameless it's fucking delusional! #TooSad
In this blatant propaganda cartoon Jews are apparently positioning themselves as the saviors of #Europe for presumably attacking Hamas / ISIS in Palestine in before they can roll into the #EU and flatten it.
Never mind the JEWS and their NGO organizations are the ones who are flooding #European countries and #America with illegal aliens from all over the world ESPECIALLY from the #MiddleEast
There are many European cities that are over run with non-Westerners (Muslim), so much so that they are beginning to outnumber natives
Barbara Lerner Spectre in this video (at 18:53)
This smug Jewess Academic talks about "Jews being at the center of and playing a leading role in transforming Europe into a Multicultural society".
#Multiculturalism #TheGreatReplacement #JewishHypocrisy
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/07/04 11:47 CST)
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Europe for Europeans ! Time to put an end to the JEWISH #Globalist led invasion of our White homelands by 3rd world shitskins.
Britain for the British 🇬🇧
La France pour les Français 🇫🇷
L'Italia per gli Italiani 🇮🇹
España para los Españoles 🇪🇸
Polska dla Polaków 🇵🇱
România pentru Români 🇷🇴
Nederland voor Nederlanders 🇳🇱
België voor Belgen 🇧🇪
Česko pro Čechy 🇨🇿
Ελλάδα για τους Έλληνες 🇬🇷
Sverige för Svenskarna 🇸🇪
Portugal para os Portugueses 🇵🇹
Magyarország a Magyaroknak 🇭🇺
Österreich für Österreicher 🇦🇹
България за българите 🇧🇬
Danmark for Danskerne 🇩🇰
Suomi Suomalaisille 🇫🇮
Slovensko pre Slovákov 🇸🇰
Éire do na Gaeil 🇮🇪
Hrvatska za Hrvate 🇭🇷
Lietuva lietuviams 🇱🇹
Slovenija za Slovake 🇸🇮
Latvija za Latvijce 🇱🇻
Eesti Eestlastele 🇪🇪
#European #EU #Europe #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteLivesMatter #Weimar #JewishHypocrisy
#BlackRock #PrivateJetPeople
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
7 Following 7 Followers
(2024/08/20 14:22 CST)
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Hey... Didn't we fight a war of independence some 250 years ago so that a foreign government couldn't couldn't govern us or order us around on our own soil?
Any U.S. #Congress critter that goes along with this totalitarian pipe dream by the #UK #EU needs to be tried for treason.
#FreeSpeech #MinistryOfTruth #Tyranny
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Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/12/19 09:12 CST)
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"Whether Kalergi’s vision is being followed word for word or not perhaps is not the main issue. Mass and disproportionate movement of people in to Europe is happening whether we believe it or not. And most are economic migrants not refugees." - Cymru Sofren
Pull up a Google search of the #KalergiPlan and every result that comes up will dismiss it as a "hoax", a "fiction" or a "debunked far-right antisemitic White genocide conspiracy theory".
Says who? The JEWISH #MainstreamMedia
Even if Kalergi's plan was just inferred from his book: book Praktischer Idealismus ("Practical Idealism") there are powerful, well financed multinational organizations that are promoting mass immigration and the replacement of White Europeans in their own countries and in America.
#AntiWhite #Immigration #GeorgeSoros #Israel #Globalist #UnitedNations #Europe #TheGreatReplacement #MiddleEast #EU #Rothschild #TrueWorldPolitics
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(2024/05/23 14:41)10 months ago
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