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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2021/07/16 11:48 CST)
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Published 16 July, 2021 Steve Watson
#ArchivePDF #COVID #Censorship #TechnocraticOligarchy #totalitarianism #Tyranny
#BoycottFacebook #Fascism
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שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2021/07/16 11:52 CST)
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Facebook is part of a Fascist Technocratic Oligarchy, and by using it you give these people more power to control your life and everything you say online.
Senator Hawley: Big Tech “Acting Like Arms Of The Government”; “It’s Scary Stuff”
Published 16 July, 2021 Steve Watson
#ArchivePDF #COVID #Censorship #TechnocraticOligarchy #totalitarianism #Tyranny
#BoycottFacebook #Fascism
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2021/07/28 16:17 CST)
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Authored by Maik Fielitz and Reem Ahmed,
RAN External Experts
European Commission
Radicalization Awareness Network
It’s not funny anymore.
Far-right extremists’ use of humor
from Page 5: “The most potent weapons known to mankind are satire and ridicule”
I guess that is one of the most dangerous websites on the internet.
#Fascism #Europe #EU
Watch a Tutorial on making your own archive quality PDF files of web-pages. Useful because... Properly created PDF archives are often more reliable than a regular link to a web page, for saving and sharing controversial or disputed information likely to be censored, "disappeared" or changed in the future.
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/01/02 16:13 CST)
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#Davos #WEF #Globalist #Fascism
"The Davos Program as the preeminent promoter of public-private, top-down, authoritarian, bureaucratic technocratic governance, is the precise definition of Fascism.
If that program ever worked the way they think it does, it would have been done thousands of years ago.
The only thing it can possibly produce is human frustration and suffering culminating in mass violence." - gcjohns1971
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2023/01/14 14:52 CST)
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This video goes into greater depth and exposes the deeper #Marxist core #philosophy of #ToxicFeminism and how it infiltrated #American #Academia and exploited #America 's founding principles of #FreeSpeech to impose a sort of #Fascism that went on to undermine true free speech with so called "Political Correctness" which was phrase actually coined by Mao Zedong the founding member of the Chinese Communist Party.
Feminism, the #LGBT movement , political correctness, the #Woke agenda and #CRT were / are all weapons that have been honed by Marxist malcontents bent on destroying #European culture and the the Capitalist west.
Using Feminism to destroy the family unit is a key part of their plans to destroy the larger culture and institute their brand of Marxist totalitarianism where everyone is equally miserable and under the thumb of despots.
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
7 Following 7 Followers
(2023/02/20 08:06 CST)
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This is some scary Orwellian shit.
The #WEF true to their goals of what could be best described as #TechnocraticOligarchy are now promoting the use of ear buds and other wearable devices that can monitor brain waves and detect the wearer's emotional state, the focus of their attention, who knows what else, after they collect enough of sample data and analyze it with powerful computers and AI.
Nothing good will come from this. All the "pluses" they are trying to sell with this technology does not negate the fact that this technology and level of monitoring of people's brain activity in real time, will only be used for #Tyranny , the enforcement of group-think, and the punishment of "wrong-think".
With use of this intrusive technology, you don't even have freedom of thought in your own head. Don't even let this get a foothold in society, it has completely evil outcomes.
#Fascism #InternetOfBodies
Nobody keepin' YOU in the hood and oppressed, but YOU. If you want to throw off the chains of oppression, free your mind first.
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(2024/04/25 07:13 CST)
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Man... This some Sick lyrics, talkin about some deep shit being perpetrated on #WeThePeople .
#Chemtrails #Science #Cancer
#CancerCanBePrevented #Banking #CIA
#PrivateJetPeople #VACCINE #Oil #Iran #Afghanistan #Mossad #Terrorism #Academia #Fascism #InformationWarfare #politics #Consumerism #MainstreamMedia
Shout out to:
another heavy jam:
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/10/31 10:22 CST)
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"German and Italian fascism wasn't right wing. It was based on collectivism which is left wing. The reason the communists were so against fascism is that it was a competing ideology that leveraged nationalism and siphoned off support for for one world communist governance. It was closet communists in the West that branded German and Italian fascism as right wing, but if you have any questions about the similarities between German fascism and Soviet communism, all you have to do is compare and contrast the Communist Manifesto and the Munich Manifesto.
I don't understand why in the 21st century people still promote this propaganda. Must be because they were educated in government run schools. " - gasoline & matches
Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2024/10/31 10:49 CST)
I read that article & it's comments too.
I like this comment better:
#StuffPeopleSaid #Marxist #TrueWorldPolitics
"German, Spanish, Italian "fascism", "national socialism", "national collectivism" IS NATIONAL, meaning LOOKING AFTER YOUR OWN PEOPLE, while anything else whatever they want to call themselves "leftism", "socialism", "democratic socialism", "marxism", "communism", "progressivism", "globalism", "transhumanism", "environmentalism" is JEWS LOOKING AFTER THEIR OWN as an infiltrated PARASITIC MINORITY in other countries.
Now you pick your side accordingly: as Pureblood Native or as kikeroach / brainwashed useful idiot for them. " - Chad Thundercock
Only JEWS & their shabbos goy are against nationalism (except in #Israel ). It's not hard to understand: JEWS as Parasitic invaders want to dispose of nationalism so that they don't face any opposition from the native born, and they leverage the support of all the immigrants they allow into their host country when they (JEWS) control #Immigration
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/11/21 09:48 CST)
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Interesting... On one hand Jews decry #Fascism while on the other hand, Jews played a large role in creating the ideology of Fascism to begin with.
"In tying her political destiny to Mussolini, Sarfatti had become the mother of fascism, an ideology she helped create and defend until it
backfired on her." - MICHELE GAMA SOSA
"Mussolini's most important mistress bar none was the wealthy Venetian socialite and erudite Margherita Sarfatti. Now, she has drawn interest from historians because she was his closest confidant and, in many ways, a founder of fascism — but also because she was Jewish."
The Life of Benito Mussolini
by Margherita G Sarfatti, Benito Mussolini
Publisher: Kessinger Publishing
Language: English
368 pages
ISBN-10: 1417939621
ISBN-13: 978-1417939626
#Italian #History #JewishHypocrisy
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(2021/07/14 12:37)4 years ago
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(2024/05/23 14:41)7 months ago
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(2021/08/28 19:03)4 years ago
Started by: @Quoteman
(2021/08/07 06:36)4 years ago
Started by: @phoneguy
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