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Mike #MGTOW is the name, exposing #ToxicFeminism & modern women as the greedy, entitled trash they are is my game 🎮🤑☣️🚺🤮
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(2024/03/27 09:18 CST)
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#StuffPeopleSaid #ToxicFeminism
"Women's rights exist at the pleasure of men. When everything gets boiled down, its survival of the fittest and strongest. That's why when you go into 3rd world countries where tribes and regional gangs exist, there are no women in power. Weak men are subjugated as well.
This nonsense is part and parcel of a 1st world country with too much wealth and time on their hands. They have to come up with something to occupy their minds, so the women come up with this bullshit. They've taken it too far, as usual, and soon the piper will be paid. When the next downturn comes they will figure out pretty damn quick that having a guy to protect them is a "must have". Then they'll become reacquainted with sucking dick and making a sandwich, and will do so without bitching about it. " - chubbar