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Better it is to die in battle with honor than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.
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(2023/03/16 09:31 CST)
I think that part of the game plan of JEWS promoting #Immigration and especially open borders with #Mexico is because maybe it was part of their plan to sell out #America
Who knows... Maybe they made a deal with Mexico to sell them back land that the USA took in the 1840's and the constant stream of Illegal Immigrants from Mexico is part of the advance team of Mexican Settlers to reclaim that land.
I wouldn't be surprised if this #BankRun results in the total collapse of the USA, maybe in the near future #Texas and a big chunk of the American Southwest will go back to Mexican ownership.
From what I have been reading, the JEWS did the same thing in #Russia when the Soviet Union collapsed. Isn't that right @Vlad ?
Israel's Netanyahu: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away”
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2023/03/15 07:24 CST)
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#TrueWorldPolitics #China #Russia #WEF #CIA #EconomicWarfare
It sure sounds like our government is sleepwalking us into WWIII against a coalition of #China , #Russia and our not as friendly as advertised southern neighbor: #Mexico
I guess that is one way stimulate the economy after people start catching wind of the #BankRun currently going on, due to the inevitable collapse of the #PetroDollar and the perceived end of US dollar's global reserve currency status.
that may lead to a Great Depression, like our Great (Great) grandparents lived through.
It is widely acknowledged that the reason that the United States was so eager to enter WWII, was to stimulate the economy and get us out of the 1930's great depression.