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(2021/05/05 20:06 CST)
#Flatearth #Truth #Firmament #StationaryPlane
Congratulations on another fantastic piece of work, @HibbelerProductions .
Check their latest work here -
My family and I have seen it twice now. We'll be buying all of their productions in hard copy dvd as they're released.
Support real researchers, not big, bought-and-paid-for shills such as the NASA liars and actors like Neil De-a$$ Tyson.
For a few years now, I've set upon completing a book I started with a compilation of all the research I can find about our flat earth, including my own experiments, theories, hypotheses and research, but more than that, a compilation of all I can find on the topic.
The issue at hand is, there's so much research and so many experiments, it would take thousands of pages.
This also includes over 200 Bible verses that either directly reference our non-moving stationary plane, the circle(not sphere) of the earth, or alludes to earth's non-sphericity.