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Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2021/06/15 12:01 CST)
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You do realize that Bellingcat is a #CIA #GCHQ , Defense Industry and mainstream media front that specializes in spreading info that the #TPTB wants put out, but with plausible deniability, right ?
So in effect, Bellingcat actually works for the #PrivateJetPeople and the #Multinational #GlobalistTerrorism network that you would like the President to exercise the #AUMF and #NDAA on.
So I would have to say: Not likely that US cruise missiles are going to rein down on #Davos or Geneva #Switzerland anytime soon.
Watch a Tutorial on making your own archive quality PDF files of web-pages. Useful because... Properly created PDF archives are often more reliable than a regular link to a web page, for saving and sharing controversial or disputed information likely to be censored, "disappeared" or changed in the future.
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2021/07/11 10:53 CST)
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Additionally, it may also be an attempt to distract people from an inevitable economic collapse being caused by poor planning and marketing of an unsustainable way of life.
The #LockDown has certainly but a big damper on air travel, and all forms of travel and consumption. Maybe this how the #TPTB are trying to condition us for #PeakOil
This film shows REAL Geological Scientists and experts have been predicting for decades that we would reach Peak Oil around 2020. Is #COVID a cover story for this? Sold to us now to limit the panic?
#Covid #COVID19 #jab #lockdown #vaccine #VACCINE #VACCINE
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2022/04/15 13:52 CST)
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Folks, for the record, this is one of the primary reasons that got our crew together about forming it came down to twitter's and Facebook's practice of shadow banning users' speech that their management did not agree with.
#Censorship #MainstreamMedia #MainstreamMedia #TPTB #sysop
Of course, our contention is that there should be a US government created social media platform based on American free speech laws so that no private entity can control the national conversation.
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2022/05/10 06:43 CST)
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Previously #TPTB were pushing for digital passports and digital ID through #Covid vaccination passports however, this created a pushback with people refusing the vaccines; now they are going to start rolling out digital passports under the guise of recognizing and certifying natural immunity to the so called "Covid Virus".
People, this is really about social engineering and getting people on board with digital passports and #CBDC (central bank digital currency)
Don't fall for this trap, don't ever support the government (or anyone else) in mandating digital ID and Digital Currency that is centrally controlled. This ultimately leads to a "Social Credit Score System" like in #China
and the loss of freedom & liberty.
#TechnocraticOligarchy #SurveillanceState
#COVID #COVID19 #jab #LockDown
#lockdown #vaccine #VACCINE #LockDown #covid
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2022/05/18 12:04 CST)
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It is starting with the banks and credit cards, but #TPTB are pushing digital IDs really hard and soon this will be everywhere if people don't wise up and resist this. This is now the front line of the
#TechnocraticOligarchy mobile phones were first wave, but now comes digital ID and #CBDC
No so called "convenience" that this Orwellian, Privacy busting scheme is supposed to offer justifies the slow slide into the digital prison that the #Globalist #elites and the #WEF #Davos crowd are building for us. This is not the future I want for my future generations, this is a march towards digital #Tyranny from which #WeThePeople may never escape from once those digital leashes go around our necks and you are required to carry a smart phone, or have a smart chip implanted in your body to merely participate in everyday life activities and business transactions.
#InternetOfBodies #SmartDevices
#SurveillanceState #Snowden
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2022/05/22 16:08 CST)
Remember, they never isolated or identified the #COVID19 virus and there were even lawsuits and medical doctors speaking out about it.
Just like the #Covidiocy panic the government and #MainstreamMedia promoted for the past 2 years, it was part of a social engineering program to shut down the economy.
The fact that they already said that this Monkey Pox is spread by Men having sex with other men can give us a clue as to what direction the social engineering is headed with this latest scamdemic: the #elites and #PrivateJetPeople who were pushing this #Woke
#LGBT agenda, realized that it went too far and now they have to "reel it back in" and begin discouraging excessive pan-sexual behavior with this new scamdemic.
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2022/05/22 16:22 CST)
Everything that the #OperationMockingbird #MainstreamMedia puts out, and the way it is put out in the media is designed and calculated to have a certain effect on the public, and on the public's behavior and belief system; for the ultimate benefit of the #elites and #PrivateJetPeople who's interests the government really serves.
Who really knows ??? maybe they ( #TPTB ) came to the realization that all of this #Woke #LGBT "have sex with anything that moves" agenda is not all that useful towards a stable society that has a work ethic and fosters long term responsibility; if for nothing else that the Billionaires and #Multinational corporations can't find reliable workers anymore because because people who have been conditioned to seek a hedonistic lifestyle, tend to want to pursue that lifestyle, rather than show seriousness towards work or serving their #Globalist masters.
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2022/07/22 08:37 CST)
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I would tend to believe her statements that the US Army Psyops units are now operating in the United States and upon the American people.
Why not?
the #CIA routinely illegally spies on Americans as per #Snowden
#WeThePeople are apparently the biggest enemy to #TPTB , why wouldn't the government deploy military and intelligence units that were once developed to combat the "enemies of freedom democracy"? We totally live in a #ClownWorld where up is down, black is white
Hey Mr. Bill, your good friend Mr. sluggo is here. Did you miss me? The South will Rise Again! ❤⚔️💙
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(2022/08/14 09:10 CST)
It only works for the Communists because the politicians are Communists, too.
It's easy to ignore conservative patriots protesting, since TPTB know they're essentially harmless. When conservatives start to get momentum, they claim they're racists, then they call them terrorists, then they trigger audits and arrests, and they use their friends to doxx and terrorize them. The Jan6 protests and the TEA Party ought to be a lesson for you.
You won't get anywhere protesting a govt that has the Will to ignore you and no compunction about using any and all tools in their arsenal against you.
You have no power in this system, but that's OK, because the system is likely to collapse on its own without you having to do anything. Stay home and take care of your family. Work on your garden. Fix your own stuff. Take care of your friends, family, and neighbors. Stay out of their game. Do not get involved in this BS. " - Reader1
#StuffPeopleSaid #Patriot #TPTB #FBI #IRS
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2022/11/01 06:52 CST)
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Why does this not surprise me?
How much more obvious can it be that democracy and political dissent is being destroyed in this country by #TPTB and that our government no longer has the consent of the governed.
#DHS #OperationMockingbird #InformationWarfare
#TechnocraticOligarchy #NeoFeudalism
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2023/05/02 15:10 CST)
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Never forget that pretty much everything you see in the #MainstreamMedia is propaganda designed to make you, the general public, think, feel or act a certain way that benefits #TPTB .
#OperationMockingbird #CIA #Nostalgia
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2023/08/29 07:37 CST)
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What the #USDA in Farmville #Virginia is doing to this poor Amish Farmer ain't right.
They told this fellow that not only couldn't he sell or give away the meat he produced and processed on his own farm, he can't even feed his own family with it, then sent government thugs to his farm with a U-haul truck and seized all the meat in his freezer and took it to the dump, and didn't pay him a dime for it. Then they charged him criminally.
Sounds like another case of the government wanting total control. Where have we heard that lately???
Rich men north of Richmond - Oliver Anthony
#FoodWars #Food #TPTB #TheSouth #Tyranny
שָׁלוֹם Much wisdom, knowledge and past experience can be gleaned in the words of those who went before us. L'chaim & free speech to all! ✡️ #StuffPeopleSaid
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(2023/10/09 06:46 CST)
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Hey @WarPriest
It's interesting that they are comparing the 10/7/2023 attack on Israel to #Japan attacking Pearl Harbor on 12/7/1941
It has been known for decades that US Naval Intelligence tried to warn about an immanent Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but the #TPTB let it happen because the US wanted to enter WWII and needed an excuse.
Judging from the very plausible testimony in this video of a woman claiming to be former Infantry Operations Specialist in the Israeli Defense Forces, the idea that this attack was allowed to happen as a needed catalyst for war, is not so far fetched.
I don't believe what I see #MainstreamMedia either. There is far more to this conflict than what is being reported on #CNN
Just your average good-natured 🤷😊 suburban soccer mom⚽ looking for some truth I can't find on big social media platforms and the mainstream media outlets 📺🤥
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(2023/11/15 15:24 CST)
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Some people find this out too late in life.
#TPTB #IRS #Banking #MiddleClass #Suburbs
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/05/08 08:33 CST)
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Wifi and other high frequency (Microwave) electromagnetic radiation is bad for living organisms, yet #TPTB keep pushing increased #5G and other wireless technologies.
Just more evidence of the negative effects of Microwave radiation on living things.
#Science #Academia #CancerCanBePrevented
Dudes, I'll be your host on You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
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(2024/05/08 19:17 CST)
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People need to wake the fuck up. The #COVID #scamdemic and the #vaccine roll-out were really a means to cull the "excess" population and institute greater #Surveillance and control over the rest. #BillGates has openly talked about controlling the population with vaccines.
Don't comply with "vaccine passports", wear face masks or any of the other #covid nonsense these bastards will undoubtedly try to impose again when they start up the #MainstreamMedia lie machine again to push the "Disease X" narrative.
This will probably coincide with the fall of the US dollar when it is replaced as the world reserve currency in global #Banking .
We indeed live in interesting times. Keep your heads on a swivel, and as always question everything #TPTB say and do.
Nobody is going to look out for you, especially not the Federal government, they are entirely complicit in what is coming down the proverbial pike.
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2024/06/10 11:47 CST)
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Looks like #TPTB have another #scamdemic on the way: #BirdFlu
Pretty soon the #OperationMockingbird #MainstreamMedia is going to be fear mongering this as the #LatestThing
One thing is for sure, if they cull millions of chickens, there will be price increases in the grocery stores.
#Food #FoodWars
Howdy Folks & Welcome to #Texas all you Texans out there; even if you only caught a flight in DFW, you can be an honorary Texan here on Happy Trails!
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(2024/06/21 18:56 CST)
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This is madness! #TPTB are trying to create #Food insecurity by ratcheting up fears of #BirdFlu
Just another #scamdemic #Polycrisis
This fear mongering is likely going to be used undermine election integrity through absentee ballots like what was done during #COVID in 2020
#Texas #USDA
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(2021/04/18 17:41)4 years ago
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(2021/09/07 19:12)4 years ago
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(2023/08/02 09:10)2 years ago
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(2023/09/04 15:14)2 years ago
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(2022/05/02 07:23)3 years ago
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(2023/03/16 09:31)2 years ago
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(2023/02/10 14:59)2 years ago
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(2022/09/13 10:54)3 years ago
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(2021/06/27 11:20)4 years ago
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(2023/03/16 09:31)2 years ago
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(2024/10/29 08:50)3 months ago
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(2021/06/27 11:20)4 years ago
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(2024/05/23 14:41)9 months ago
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(2021/08/28 19:03)4 years ago
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(2021/08/07 06:36)4 years ago
Started by: @phoneguy
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